As bit of an update,
Not had chance to go out with an implement yet, but did some quick testing today on a steep sidehill with just the tractor, enough to cause the tractor to drive off track on its own…
So initially with previous settings (roll set to none, as roll calc on position is in done dual ESP), the tractor would drive 25-30cm off line going upwards along the slope, and would drive near enough dead on the line going down over…obviously its harder for it to “pull” the front of the tractor up the slope, than it is down going the other way.
I then enabled Roll from OGI, which is working, in that, I am now getting a live roll reading in AOG, which looks to be correct and nice and smooth… I then tried applying some sidehill draft gain… initially set to 5, but immediately realised this is far to much, as this pulled the tractor 30-40cm high side of the line going the more problematic direction! So dropped it down and have ended up with around 2…
The problem now though, is going that way, with just the tractor, It does sit close to the line…however going the other way (slightly downward slope) it then sits considerably ABOVE the line, as the extra gain is to much… I also think that despite this 2 setting being ideal going one way right now, the second I put an implement on / introduce more load / drift, it would instantly be wrong / need more… It seems this setting being a static setting is a bit flawed…
@BrianTee_Admin if you have the time at some point, can you explain the reason why AOG wont always try to meet 0 error ? IE when driving 30-40cm off the line, at an angle on a sidehill, why does it not request more steering angle to meet 0? Its like it hits a limit and thats that…More understanding of this might help figure out what we can do to help it…as it needs to always try to meet that target by itself, that way it dosnt matter how steep the hill, how much drag from the implement, if error >1, it always needs to keep trying to correct by adding steering angle, right?