Simple relay section with Bluetooth ESP32

Simple Arduino code for ESP32 DevKit for 5 section relays (can be increased easily)
So you can connect the relays with Bluetooth using only one board.

#include "BluetoothSerial.h" //Header File for Serial Bluetooth, will be added by default into Arduino

BluetoothSerial ESP_BT; //Object for Bluetooth

//program flow
bool isDataFound = false, isSettingFound = false;
int header = 0, tempHeader = 0, temp;

byte relayLo = 0, relayHi = 0, gpsSpeed = 0, tramline = 0, tree = 0, uTurn = 0;

//pins on ESP32 devKit
  const int seccio1 = 27;
  const int seccio2 = 26;
  const int seccio3 = 25;
  const int seccio4 = 33;
  const int seccio5 = 32;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); //Start Serial monitor in 9600
  ESP_BT.begin("AGOpenGPS_reles"); //Name of your Bluetooth Signal
  Serial.println("Bluetooth Device is Ready to Pair");

  pinMode(seccio1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(seccio2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(seccio3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(seccio4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(seccio5, OUTPUT);

//set all relays to OFF
  digitalWrite(seccio1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(seccio2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(seccio3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(seccio4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(seccio5, LOW);

void loop() {

  if (ESP_BT.available() > 0 && !isDataFound && !isSettingFound) //find the header, 127H + 254L = 32766
    int temp =;
    header = tempHeader << 8 | temp;                //high,low bytes to make int
    tempHeader = temp;                              //save for next time
    if (header == 32762) isDataFound = true;        //Do we have a match?

  //Data Header has been found, so the next 6 bytes are the data
  if (ESP_BT.available() > 7 && isDataFound)
    isDataFound = false;
    relayHi =;
    relayLo =;          // read relay control from AgOpenGPS


void ActionRelay(byte relayLo){
       if (bitRead(relayLo,0)) digitalWrite(seccio1, HIGH); 
       else digitalWrite(seccio1, LOW);
       if (bitRead(relayLo,1)) digitalWrite(seccio2, HIGH); 
       else digitalWrite(seccio2, LOW);
       if (bitRead(relayLo,2)) digitalWrite(seccio3, HIGH); 
       else digitalWrite(seccio3, LOW);
       if (bitRead(relayLo,3)) digitalWrite(seccio4, HIGH); 
       else digitalWrite(seccio4, LOW);
       if (bitRead(relayLo,4)) digitalWrite(seccio5, HIGH);
       else digitalWrite(seccio5, LOW);

Looks good, how are you using this? or for what setup. Cheers

AGOpengps → bluetooth → esp32 → relay board
I have connected in paralel the relays with with switches of my pannel (see attached photo)

Captura de pantalla 2020-02-23 a les 18.55.28


Is it the same diagram and you just connect them to the rx and tx on the Nano

Hi @Cbuchan
I use the ESP32 module because has bluetooth integrated and you can run arduino code on this board.

If you use Arduino nano you can use the hc-06 bluetooth module to add bluetooth.
This module is a bluetooth conversor to ttl signals. The computer detect the HC-06 as a COM port like any other serial port.

Do I have to program the Bluetooth module in any way?

You can use the default config for HC-06 module, but if you want to change the name, baudrate, pin… you can follow this manual:

I have modified the code for AgOpenGPS 4.2.0.x
is also for ESP32 DevKit to connect the sections relays over bluetooth.

    * This program only turns the relays for section control
    * On and Off. Connect to the Relay Port in AgOpenGPS
  //loop time variables in microseconds
  #include "BluetoothSerial.h"
  #include <EEPROM.h> 
  #define EEP_Ident 0x4201  
  BluetoothSerial ESP_BT;

    //Program counter reset
    void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0;

//pins on ESP32 devKit
  const int seccio1 = 27;
  const int seccio2 = 26;
  const int seccio3 = 25;
  const int seccio4 = 33;
  const int seccio5 = 32;

  //this is  a relay to enable a valve to despresurize all the sections, is enabled when all sections are off
  const int general = 21;

  //Variables for config - 0 is false  
  struct Config {
  byte raiseTime = 2;
  byte lowerTime = 4;
  byte enableToolLift = 0;
  byte isRelayActiveHigh = 0; //if zero, active low (default)
  };  Config aogConfig;   //4 bytes
  const byte LOOP_TIME = 200; //5hz
  unsigned long lastTime = LOOP_TIME;
  unsigned long currentTime = LOOP_TIME;
  unsigned long fifthTime = 0;
  unsigned int count = 0;

  //Comm checks
  byte watchdogTimer = 0; //make sure we are talking to AOG
  byte serialResetTimer = 0; //if serial buffer is getting full, empty it
   //Communication with AgOpenGPS
  bool isDataFound = false, isSettingFound = false, isAogConfigFound = false, isRelayActiveHigh = true;
  int header = 0, tempHeader = 0, temp, EEread = 0;

  //The variables used for storage
  byte relayHi=0, relayLo = 0, gpsSpeed = 0, tramline = 0, tree = 0, uTurn = 0, hydLift = 0; 

  byte raiseTimer = 0, lowerTimer = 0, lastTrigger = 0;
  //Raise and lower as D4 and D3
  #define RAISE 4
  #define LOWER 3
void setup()
      ESP_BT.begin("AGOpenGPS_reles"); //Name of your Bluetooth Signal
      Serial.println("Bluetooth Device is Ready to Pair");
    //set the baud rate
     while (!ESP_BT.available()) { ; } // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB
     EEPROM.get(0, EEread);              // read identifier
  if (EEread != EEP_Ident)   // check on first start and write EEPROM
    EEPROM.put(0, EEP_Ident);
    EEPROM.put(6, aogConfig);
    EEPROM.get(6, aogConfig);

  //set the pins to be outputs (pin numbers)
  pinMode(LOWER, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RAISE, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(seccio1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(seccio2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(seccio3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(seccio4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(seccio5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(general, OUTPUT);

//set all relays sections to OFF exept despresurize valve
  digitalWrite(seccio1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(seccio2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(seccio3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(seccio4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(seccio5, LOW);
  digitalWrite(general, HIGH);

void loop()
  //Loop triggers every 200 msec and sends back gyro heading, and roll, steer angle etc

  currentTime = millis();
  unsigned int time = currentTime;

  if (currentTime - lastTime >= LOOP_TIME)
    lastTime = currentTime;

    //If connection lost to AgOpenGPS, the watchdog will count up 
    if (watchdogTimer++ > 250) watchdogTimer = 12;

    //clean out serial buffer to prevent buffer overflow
    if (serialResetTimer++ > 20)
      while (ESP_BT.available() > 0) char t =;
      serialResetTimer = 0;

    if (watchdogTimer > 10) 
      relayLo = 0;
      relayHi = 0;
    //hydraulic lift

    if (hydLift != lastTrigger && (hydLift == 1 || hydLift == 2))
      lastTrigger = hydLift;
      lowerTimer = 0;
      raiseTimer = 0;

      //200 msec per frame so 5 per second
      switch (hydLift)
        case 1:
          lowerTimer = aogConfig.lowerTime * 5;

        case 2:
          raiseTimer = aogConfig.raiseTime * 5;     

    //countdown if not zero, make sure up only
    if (raiseTimer) 
      lowerTimer = 0;
    if (lowerTimer) lowerTimer--; 

    //if anything wrong, shut off hydraulics, reset last
    if ((hydLift != 1 && hydLift != 2) || watchdogTimer > 10 ) //|| gpsSpeed < 2)
      lowerTimer = 0;
      raiseTimer = 0;
      lastTrigger = 0;

    //section relays
    //Send data back to agopenGPS
    ESP_BT.print(127); //steering switch status
    ESP_BT.print(248); //steering switch status
    ESP_BT.print(raiseTimer); //steering switch status
    ESP_BT.print(lowerTimer); //steering switch status
    ESP_BT.print(hydLift); //steering switch status
    ESP_BT.print(aogConfig.isRelayActiveHigh); //steering switch status

   Serial.print(gpsSpeed); //steering switch status
   Serial.print(hydLift); //steering switch status
   Serial.print(lastTrigger); //steering switch status
   Serial.println(aogConfig.lowerTime); //steering switch status 
   ESP_BT.flush();   // flush out buffer
  } //end of timed loop

  //This runs continuously, outside of the timed loop, keeps checking UART for new data
        // PGN - 32762 - 127.250 0x7FFA
        //public int mdHeaderHi, mdHeaderLo = 1, mdSectionControlByteHi = 2, mdSectionControlByteLo = 3,
        //mdSpeedXFour = 4, mdUTurn = 5, mdTree = 6, mdHydLift = 7, md8 = 8, md9 = 9;
  if (ESP_BT.available() > 0 && !isDataFound && !isAogConfigFound) //find the header, 127H + 254L = 32766
    int temp =;
    header = tempHeader << 8 | temp;                //high,low bytes to make int
    tempHeader = temp;                              //save for next time
    if (header == 32762) isDataFound = true;        //Do we have a match?
    if (header == 32760) isAogConfigFound = true;     //Do we have a match?

  //Data Header has been found, so the next 6 bytes are the data
  if (ESP_BT.available() > 7 && isDataFound)
    isDataFound = false;
    relayHi =;
    relayLo =;          // read relay control from AgOpenGPS
    gpsSpeed = >> 2;  //actual speed times 4, single byte
    uTurn =;  
    tree =;
    hydLift =;
    //just get the rest of bytes;   //high,low bytes;  

    //reset watchdog
    watchdogTimer = 0;

    //Reset serial Watchdog  
    serialResetTimer = 0;

   //Arduino Config Header has been found, so the next 8 bytes are the data
  if (ESP_BT.available() > 7 && isAogConfigFound)
    isAogConfigFound = false;

    aogConfig.raiseTime =;
    aogConfig.lowerTime =;    
    aogConfig.enableToolLift =;
    byte sett =;  //setting0     
    if (bitRead(sett,0)) aogConfig.isRelayActiveHigh = 1; else aogConfig.isRelayActiveHigh = 0;;;;;

    //save in EEPROM and restart
    EEPROM.put(6, aogConfig);

  void SetRelays(void)
    if (aogConfig.isRelayActiveHigh)
      //active low
     /* if (lowerTimer) bitClear(PORTD, LOWER); //Digital Pin D3
      else bitSet(PORTD, LOWER); 
      if (raiseTimer) bitClear(PORTD, RAISE); //Digital Pin D4
      else bitSet(PORTD, RAISE); 


      if (bitRead(relayLo,0)) digitalWrite(seccio1, LOW); //Digital Pin 5
      else digitalWrite(seccio1, HIGH);
      if (bitRead(relayLo,1)) digitalWrite(seccio2, LOW); //Digital Pin 6
      else digitalWrite(seccio2, HIGH);
      if (bitRead(relayLo,2)) digitalWrite(seccio3, LOW); //Digital Pin 7
      else digitalWrite(seccio3, HIGH); 
      if (bitRead(relayLo,3)) digitalWrite(seccio4, LOW); //Digital Pin 8
      else digitalWrite(seccio4, HIGH);
      if (bitRead(relayLo,4)) digitalWrite(seccio5, LOW); //Digital Pin 9
      else digitalWrite(seccio5, HIGH);

      /*if (bitRead(relayLo,6)) bitClear(PORTB, 3); //Digital Pin 11
      else bitSet(PORTB, 3); 
      if (bitRead(relayLo,7)) bitClear(PORTB, 4); //Digital Pin 12
      else bitSet(PORTB, 4); */
      if (relayLo == 0) digitalWrite(general, LOW);
      else digitalWrite(general, HIGH); 
    else //active high
    /*  if (lowerTimer) bitSet(PORTD, LOWER); //Digital Pin D3
      else bitClear(PORTD, LOWER); 
      if (raiseTimer) bitSet(PORTD, RAISE); //Digital Pin D4
      else bitClear(PORTD, RAISE); 
      if (bitRead(relayLo,0)) digitalWrite(seccio1, HIGH);  //Digital Pin 5
      else digitalWrite(seccio1, LOW); 
      if (bitRead(relayLo,1)) digitalWrite(seccio2, HIGH); //Digital Pin 6
      else digitalWrite(seccio2, LOW);
      if (bitRead(relayLo,2)) digitalWrite(seccio3, HIGH); //Digital Pin 7
      else digitalWrite(seccio3, LOW); 
      if (bitRead(relayLo,3)) digitalWrite(seccio4, HIGH); //Digital Pin 8
      else digitalWrite(seccio4, LOW); 
      if (bitRead(relayLo,4)) digitalWrite(seccio5, HIGH); //Digital Pin 9
      else digitalWrite(seccio5, LOW); 

      if (bitRead(relayLo,5)) bitSet(PORTB, 2); //Digital Pin 10
      else bitClear(PORTB, 2); 
      if (bitRead(relayLo,6)) bitSet(PORTB, 3); //Digital Pin 11
      else bitClear(PORTB, 3); 
      if (bitRead(relayLo,7)) bitSet(PORTB, 4); //Digital Pin 12
      else bitClear(PORTB, 4);  */
      if (relayLo == 0) digitalWrite(general, HIGH);
      else digitalWrite(general, LOW);       

Is there any sort of delay since it over Bluetooth or not??

Do I just use the same code from the support file for this and connect the gc-06 to rx and tax on the nano or do I have to change any of the code for it to work??


two remarks on your thoughts:
if you put the relais paralel to the existing switches, it might be confusing, as if you switch on by the hardware switch, AOG won’t know, so it is not marked.

To Bluetooth or WiFi UDP, I suggest to use WiFi. The ESP32 could easily an accesspoint for your tablet, or can logg into the GPS WiFi or… UDP is more satble as it reconnects after signal loss, whereas BT needs to be disconnected and reconnected. I used HC-06 for 2 years, it’s ok but now I upgraded to Nano33IoT to use WiFi UDP. (Attention 3.3V GPIO).

So my suggestion: For a simple ON/OFF remote control, no rate control, only pressure adjustment build a new box with all cables. If you finished change and keep the original one.
The Arag Motor valves my need +/- to open and -/+ to close, so you need DPDT relais.

circuit, code at my GitHub:

Box in action:

my box for vineyard sprayer (different section use):


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Hi, with bluetooth there is no delay, at least human noticiable.
To make it work over bluetooth gc-06 you can use my code, but you need to modify the serial port on arduino code.

If you use the module ESP32, as says MTZ8302, may be is better to use over wifi. but in my case because I get the ntrip correction over my smartphone wifi tethering I prefer use bluetooth.

Hello.I’m so sorry, I don’t speak English, I’m a google translate.2020-05-18 Maybe you can help with what to do to go download this code. I want to control the sections via HC-6. Shows me this:

how to add password in this programme?