SK 21’s RC App - Footswitch

I’m almost done with @SK21 ’s RC App. I know I can toggle on/off from the app but I have a two wire momentary footswitch. How do I wire this into the system?


There is no provision for a foot switch. The code does have a work switch, but it is not momentary. If only one rate sensor is used on the RC8 pcb, the unused dir or pwm pin could be used for a foot switch. The code could be edited to work with a momentary switch.

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Thanks for the quick answer. I am glad to hear that it can be done, but I am no coder. I will move this thread to the feature request section.

Here is a version with a momentary foot switch. In the module config specify a work pin and that it is momentary and upload it to the module. On the options page enable the work switch.

The nano file in this branch needs to be uploaded to the module.

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Awesome! I’m going to wire this in tomorrow.

Can I translate the app?

There are several available languages, settings icon, options menu, there is a tab labeled languages.

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