SK21 AS14 PCB ADS Problem

Hello, I have a problem with ADS on PCB SK21 AS14 (GitHub - SK21/AOG_RC: AgOpenGPS with rate control.). It does not search for ADS at address 0x48 if ADS is plugged into the PCB socket. However, if I connect ADS to the Sparkfun socket for BNO, it’s ok. Anyone had a similar problem?

ADS connected to the BNO socket:

ADS in PCB socket:

Code setup:

struct ModuleConfig	// 34 bytes, AS14 default
	uint8_t Receiver = 1;			// 0 none, 1 SimpleRTK2B, 2 Sparkfun F9p
	uint8_t SerialReceiveGPS = 4;		// from receiver
	uint8_t	SerialSendNtrip = 5;		// to receiver
	uint8_t WemosSerialPort = 3;	// serial port connected to Wemos D1 Mini
	uint16_t NtripPort = 2233;		// local port to listen on for NTRIP data
	uint8_t IMU = 3;				// 0 none, 1 Sparkfun BNO, 2 CMPS14, 3 Adafruit BNO
	uint8_t IMUdelay = 90;			// how many ms after last sentence should imu sample, 90 for SparkFun, 4 for CMPS14   
	uint8_t IMU_Interval = 40;		// for Sparkfun 
	uint16_t ZeroOffset = 6500;
	uint8_t MinSpeed = 1;
	uint8_t MaxSpeed = 15;
	uint16_t PulseCal = 255;		// Hz/KMH X 10
	uint8_t	AnalogMethod = 0;		// 0 use ADS1115 for WAS(AIN0), AIN1, current(AIN2), 1 use Teensy analog pin for WAS, 2 use ADS1115 from Wemos D1 Mini
	uint8_t SwapRollPitch = 0;		// 0 use roll value for roll, 1 use pitch value for roll
	uint8_t InvertRoll = 0;
	uint8_t UseTB6612 = 0;			// 0 - don't use TB6612 motor driver, 1 - use TB6612 motor driver for motor 2
	uint8_t GyroOn = 0;
	uint8_t UseLinearActuator = 0;	// to engage or retract steering motor, uses motor 2
	uint8_t	GGAlast = 1;
	uint8_t Dir1 = 26;
	uint8_t PWM1 = 25;
	uint8_t Dir2 = 28;				// motor 2 direction, TB6612 IN1
	uint8_t PWM2 = 29;				// motor 2 pwm, TB6612 PWM	
	uint8_t SteerSw_Relay = 36;		// pin for steering disconnect relay
	uint8_t SteerSw = 39;
	uint8_t WorkSw = 27;
	uint8_t CurrentSensor = 10;
	uint8_t PressureSensor = 26;
	uint8_t Encoder = 38;
	uint8_t SpeedPulse = 37;
	uint8_t IP0 = 192;
	uint8_t IP1 = 168;
	uint8_t IP2 = 1;
	uint8_t IP3 = 126;

Ok, very trivial problem but I will leave the answer in case someone else has the same problem. You need to use a jumper here and everything works.

Yes. I forgot to tell you about that jumper.

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Good you got it working.

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