My second project is working good ! French sprayer artec Rs20. Just autosteer for now. Rtk ublox f9p.
I updated AOG on my sprayer,
Low and MaxPWM really helped to make it even better … In a few hours it will be time for me to do my first pass in a field, I feel excited about it. Just one thing missing, Travis’ Uturns …
Hello Tooki,
Did you finaly succes with the section control on your Artec ?
Hi Math
I didn t have time to implement the solution we found to make the switches work. It asks me to go solder on the pcb of the isobus box, and I missed the time to take it apart and do it properly. But since then I have made a little progress in listening to the CAN bus, so I have the hope that after a methodical listening to the isobus of my sprayer I could maybe activate them by isobus … I will progress on this subject after the seasons of seedlings which will start soon.
Hi Tooki, did you get it managed to control the sections of your sprayer with AOG over ISOBUS? What’s the state of the project?
Sorry , I haven’t done anything since my last post here .
Evolution of my installation,
Now it’s Panda + hydraulic steering.
No motor noise in cab , no dead band from steering wheel …
Very smooth , very cool !