Steering MF 7S.165 over Canbus

Hi all,

I have worked on a MF 7S.165

First i tried to run it with the all in one V4.1 version. The tractor WAS signal came right when i activated the steering valve and AOG was happy to see a MF vehicle riding along the bus. Also the MF did not show any error. I drove out side the workshop and pressed the autosteer button on the control handle. But the AOG steer active button did not turn green.:pleading_face::pleading_face:

Then i start sniffing the V-canbus engine/autoguide looking for the button ID. After some time i found something switching.

So after looking at @andyinv video about cansniff and how to add the ID and all in the code i was happy to try again. But again no joy.

So check the other canbus line. Isobus no joy. Then looking true the code i see K-bus and what ya think… MF has one also :smile:. Sniffing around and there it was changing bites when i was switching the button.

So.again edit code and :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: it works!! Pressing autoguide button on control handle activated the steering and the MF was steering as smooth as …well something with butter.

So all works but there is still one problem i need to fix. Out of no where it randomly disengages. Pressing autoguide button sets steering on and i can steer or 20 minutes with no problem or 5 min with 3 times diaengages. So more work to do.

Here are some pictures of the connector i use in the MF 7S. Also 6s, 8s and 9s are the same connectors.

And here is a sheet with the colors of the canbus cables for each bus. Its
The X1114-A connector and this is a extender from the obd plug.
Located righylt side under the seat where all diagnostic connectors and ecu are located.

I gave my edited code to @CommonRail and @andyinv. I think they will update there .ino files.

When i have a good result in the random disengage problem i will post them here.

Well hope anyone else has some use of this topic as he might wanna try it one day. Because thats whats this community is all about share knowledge and help others wherw you can.

Bye for now.



Great work Raymond!

(I’ve updated the firmware in the TeensyFlasher code - incorporating @CommonRail’s CAT-MT additions - for the All-In-One board, but I’ve no way to test it. If anyone could give it a go and let me know, that would be great thanks)

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Hello Raycorp,thanks for your share.
May your show us the other side of X1114-A connector.I would like to learn what type that connector is and buy the male one for plugging into it

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