Step up converter burns up

Hello, been building my third autosteer over the past couple of days and i ran into a problem while testing. Im using a step up converter 250W (white pcb) as have i been using for the rest of my tractors. While driving the step up converter just stops working, creating a short between Vin and Vout. I replaced ot with a spear one and the same thing happens.

Should i run this system on 12V or use a different step up module. Can anyone help. Thanks in advance.

Update, i have tried the red step up (150W), it also died, but when i connect the wires straight to motor controller (ibt2) it works, no magic smoke.

Get some better step-up converters and double check you’ve wired them up correctly and have correctly fused the supply.

something along these lines should work been running one of these for 3 years now no issues

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I have been running these step up converter i mentioned for a year and a half in my other two tractors, no problems. I don’t understand what can be the problem. This is an older tractor so im using a spare PCB V2 and from it i have been powerint the step up, GND to GND, 12V OUT from the pcb to VIN on the converter, i even put a 3A fuse between the PCB V2 and converter and the fuse didnt blow.

I tried a different converter and it died and also the same problem, short between plus and minus on the input side of the converter. But when cine ting the same wires from the PCB V2 directly to ibt2 it works.

I would first install a fuse slightly smaller than the converters rating where the board connects.

Disconnect the motor and converter measure amp draw of the board.

Then the board and the converter but no motor connected.

Then the motor wired up but disconnected from the steering wheel and get an amp reading.

I think the ibt2 may be faulty, tomorrow should arrive a new one. I will post results

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Update, change the pcb, ibt2 and step up now it magically works.