Swathers and border dikes

We’re in southeastern Montana. We flood irrigate forage crops using border dikes that are 30 feet on centers (they were put in using the corn rows from the previous crop and before we had rtk) so once or twice in each field there is a border that is off by 24 inches wider or narrower. Thanks to the help of Johannes we have our was working really well so I am wondering how anyone else is handling a situation like ours. Our swather cuts 16 feet. Do we set swath width to 16 feet and use overlap? Set to 15 ft?
We are also having trouble configuring u-turn on the ends. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks

I would set to 16 feet, and then set an overlap. Then, if the steering is off by a few inches somewhere, it won’t show a skipper. The width painted on the screen wil be the cut width when starting a new pass.

There’s a new uturn setting, to make the vehicle steer tighter, if it isn’t following the uturn path. I don’t know if that would help at all, it’s kinda buried in the steer settings!