Are translations still handled in the language spreadsheet?
I had chatGPT translate to Norwegian. Everything translated quite nice.
How’s the process to get it available in the app?
Are translations still handled in the language spreadsheet?
I had chatGPT translate to Norwegian. Everything translated quite nice.
How’s the process to get it available in the app?
I did not reply to the Danish translation, and no one else did till now. I would suggest to replace the Danish translation with the Norwegian, so we do not get too many languages to keep up to date. But perhaps a lot will protest, now language have moved from telegram to discourse?
AgOpenGPS_Translations.xlsx (137.0 . KB)
Here is more or less complete translation for Norwegian.
I added column AF and AG to the spreadsheet.
Are you willing to translate it into Bulgarian?
Don’t think it will be translated any more. Too much hazzle and possible breakup.
New alternative:
Youtube-videos on AOG-channel explaining everything, with ai-generated subtitles for the languages.
(They are really good)
Maybe also auto-translating some minor stuff to explain icons etc.
That’s better, so the time can be used on making AOG even better.
Your right, even another font can break up everything. The best way is to use existing themes
Most translations are very confusing.
If you really want to, I suppose you could do it yourself by changing the text in one of the language files. Screenshot is from github.
Here change the text after value!
And in this case you must select espain as language in AOG.
I have not tried, just think it is possible
Its possible. we’ve done it before for Swedish. But you must compile it.