Tree Planning

From the AgIo open agdia if the machine port appears at the bottom as green, it should have a tree label. This will show the on and off information. 5.5 ino took the tree out of the whole code. 5.5 aog I believe did as well. You will need to run 5.0 ino to get the tree value. The autosteer board may be simpler to get the sections from, as it sends them there as well.

We added the machine byte later to the tree program, it may not be getting there in your version. Again, check in AGdia and if it gets to the AGdia, then it should be getting to the arduino.

Where is the tree data? This is from your V5.2b download folder.

Should be at the bottom. That’s the reason, you’re not getting the machine byte.

Use this one.

downloading now. Thanks

I don’t know why it puts all that gibberish under the link. The original aog did not show the machine byte in AGdia. I added it after we fixed the byte. The latest AOG officialrelease got rid of the tree byte. It is now speed.

I figured the gibberish was you translating it into “Martian”. :rofl:

I won’t get to this until later today. When I test for tree is it “if tree ==1” as shown in AgDiag?

tree is an 8 bit consisting of 00000000 or 00000001 so it should work and read it as 0 or 1.

But you can also set the relay like the others as

digitalWrite (X, bitRead(tree,7));

Where X is the pin number that will be set high when Tree is available.

This is only in Machine_USB_v5_0.

Or use pin 3 for the tree trigger.

Thanks, I’m using the tree variable for now. I’ll post a video when we’re planting trees - probably May timeframe.

Im playing with the idea of using the Tree Planner for row crops such as vegetables. By planting all rows in a similar pattern it will be possible to inter row clean from two directions.
Is it possible to add a checkbox to disregard the X distance for the auto planting, so that it can still pick up the tree even if im a few cm of the AB line?

You cannot disregard the x value. You just have to set it bigger. In any turn, you turn or any miss direction, you can be lined up with a tree on your right or left (y value) and be nowhere near a tree. The x value says, I see a tree, but it is not within range to worry about.

My granddad did this with a wire check planter. We have progressed!!


I see. That would be a problem.
How about changing the click radius to a rectangle or ellipses shape. The I could set the Y value pretty low, and a larger x value would make sure that it triggers even I I’m not exactly on the AB line.

I’ve made part of this change. I’ll post it later this week. Using a rectangular click area.

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I did a YouTube search on this, really ingenious and low tech

Well I had to look also. That works better than the tree planner. No bells, no GPS, no computer, just smart farmers. Still have smart farmers, but a lot more to go wrong.

@KentStuff @HKR I never saw it in action until after my granddad had died, but I do remember seeing the check wire in the corner of the shed. Actually planted with the wire at our local county fair / historical demonstration. I’m really glad I didn’t have to do the “whole farm” that way!

I may be giving my age away !


So I was using the tree planting version 5.2. I would like to use the origin to build my trees array to match my other trees in the field for row spacing and angle. I thought you could press the A button and click on the field location to set it, and build the rows from there. I can not get the green box to move from center. Just for info I use a bluetooth radio to play the beeps for me.

another problem is my tractor disappeared on the screen, how do you get it back. I am following the pluses with the tractor.

another time, the tractor started driving sideways.

Also, does the lightbar work for the tree planting? I have tried a lot of settings for sizes, but I can’t follow the light bar. I have to watch my tractor and the pluses. by the way, I am planting Christmas trees.

I’ll answer the last question first. You set the AB line on the tree line. After the trees are set, open the abdraw and turn on the trees. Pick two in a row to build ABLINE on the tree row. Go back to the tree planner panel and pick the settings. Set the ab line space to the tree space perpendicular to the ABline. Then turn on abline, and start the autosteer. The light bar at the top of the page should work. If you are talking of a separate external light bar, it should, but I’ve not seen it tried.

Tractor sideways. Check to make sure your view did not get set to 2d north.

Tractor disappeared. Never heard of this short of lost GPS. It will spin and say I’m lost.

In building the boundary tree layout, ssomehow I deleted the function for the A button. I almost have this fixed and will upload the fix in a day or so. I’ve a busy end of the week on the job.

I like the Bluetooth speaker idea.

So I have been having problems with the tree planting version. I was trying the things you said in simulator mode, and I started getting a connection problem window (not connecting to caster) Which Ivan said was an ntrip error. I did not have ntrip enabled. I was in simulator mode. I switched to normal, and the error was still flashing.

I could exit and run the lego version. No error. Go back to the tree planting and the error would flash.

Ivan told me to turn on ntrip, and turn it off again, and the error went away. This is the second time this has happened. I never realized what I did last time to get rid of the error.

Just thought I would check to see if there might be a bug?

Terry. I have pics of screen if you need them.

My guess is the Lego version has a complete different AGIO and AGDIA. When you are running the tree version with the newer Lego, the correct AGIO and AGDIA must be running with it.