Tree Planning

I really admire you guys who can work with the source code of this project!!! I can follow it just enough that I could get in trouble FAST!!!

I’ve figured out how to work with the steerSwitch in a round about way. I’ll mainly need to work with the Autosteer.ino as follow:

 // in autosteer_usb_4.3.10.ino
    // add ", tree = 0" just before ; below  ---line 102
    byte relay = 0, relayHi = 0, uTurn = 0;
    // add "tree = steerSwitch" line 404

    //Send machine data (32762) back to agopenGPS ---line 405
    Serial.print(250); //I got this from PNG's 2020-04-04

If this will work I’ll only need change the “if steerSwtch = 1” to “if tree =1” in the Machine.ino. The only way to test is try it on the tractor. I’ll need help shoveling a path through about a foot of snow, if anyone is needing some healthy outdoor activity. It’s warming to the 20’s F this next week.

Worked on the tree trigger. In the below image, when you are within the 10 meters that turns on the little compass, the tree byte reads 00000100, when you are inside of the error, (25 cm). it reads 00000101. when further than 10 meters from any tree it reads all zeros.

It makes sense to use the tree byte as you have. Are you still turning on the middle section as well?

I’ll text my steerswitch idea in the next few days. I’m picking up the byte I’m autosteer, sending it to AOG and then back out to the machine using one of the unused bytes. I’m pretty confident it will work and I’ll be able to see if it does in the module window as you did.

Currently it will remain using the center section. Later I may modify it for far left, center, or far right. Seams there may be a need to activate sprayer at end of boom when near the tree after it is planted.

Would you want to upgrade to the last version? I think the new boundary system can improve the performance of my Panasonic cf d1

This one is based on 4.3.10. I will probably update when the reverse gets added into version 5.

I have tried your tree version with very slow speed, like 0.3kmh modifying min speed for fix2fix, working very good for the last cm till the tree. I hope the new version will allow to go to that slow speed with single antenna. Personally I prefer to slow down before the hole than reverse to get precisely to the hole.
Anyway thank you for your efforts, very good program

Post what you changed to make the slow step. I did this before, but you’ve been testing recently, I’ll add this to the latest code and upload it.

As Brian suggested on telegram group, modify “pn.speed > 0,6” in Position.designer.cs, line 175 from 0,6 to 0,1.
But also modify “fix to fix” minimum distance on FormIMU from 1 to 0,1 that’s all.
Brian said reducing minimum speed makes impossible to use antenna offset so you have to put the antenna on the center of your tractor. Not a big deal for me.

In the AOG tree version that i am using there is also a kalman filter for the heading from Gianfranco.

Updated the github program file.

It allows for the small step. It has the kalman filter added by Gianfranco. You can change the size of the trigger and the size of the tree display in the display settings. It also uses the tree trigger byte. 100 when the distance/compass shows up and 101 when the tool is activated. Simulator speed bar has been modified to allow very slow speed.



Hi Kent!
Beautiful new graphics … but since I installed the cmps I have problems with minimum step distance, sometimes when I am stopped to drill, the heading turns 360 degrees and loses the line.
Maybe the step distance is too small.
Could you also upload the Original version with the new graphics?
Thank you.

Did you change the fix to fix setting in the settings? I adjusted the input tolerance to allow for 0.1 instead of limit of 1.0.

no, I haven’t changed the fix to fix in the setting. maybe 0.1 is too small?
just release the brakes, if the tractor moves slightly heading rotates 360 degrees.
I am using the old version with 1.0 step limit and I am fine. just stop right on the first try.

By default fix to fix should come in at 1.0. I imported the position designer as a unit with the filter. I will add an additional adjustment for the minimum speed. That and the filter was the only change to that file.

mmmh … there must be some bug with the step distance, sometimes another problem happens. if I register the boundaries of the field with the tractor the field will be much larger than the real one and the trees do not have the right distances.

this does not happen with Aog-tree v4…

This one allows the user to turn off or on the filter and allows the user to select the minimum speed.
The default for this program is fix to fix 1.0. Minimum speed is 0.6 per the original AgOpenGps. But the filter is on. Under display the filter can be turned off. Fix to Fix is under settings-data sources-heading. I do not know why the boundaries are larger. May try this one with the fix to fix set to 1 and then to 0.1. Same with speed.


Edit: I have removed the link for the reverse edition. I never removed the modification that allowed it to run in the simulator. I changed the if(!issimtimer) to if(issimtimer) I don’t think it will work at all outside of the simulator. It is still on github but there is no filter for the GPS.

I’m missed something. What does the smaller fix to fix do? Also what does the filter do? I won/t be able to try it out for real for quite a while here. (-10 F this AM)

The smaller fix to fix:
When using the heading fix to fix, the position will not move until the tractor has moved the fix to fix distance. Trying to get exactly on a point, it may stop short or long but not on the point. The smaller fix to fix should only be used if your GPS is very accurate. Otherwise it will drift horribly.

The filter:
The filter was used to get rid of the spikes in the heading variants and to eliminate the flicker when heading goes from 359 to 0. It does not work with the reverse system. I had to make the simulator work under the “fix” system to test the reverse. Turns out, I don’t believe that I removed that edit before I posted it. Therefore it probably will not work at all outside the simulator. I will fix it and re-post.

so there is no kalmann filter in the latest version?

I quickly tried the latest version, it seems there are no more bugs.
but why does the distance Y (L / R from the tree) increase when you move to the next tree?