Troubleshooting poor precision


I’m testing my new AOG setup. I have zeroed the WAS according to instructions on Youtube, and I have also entered correct dimensions of tractor and position of antenna.
But now when I use autosteer on ab lines, the tractor stays on the line one way - but when I drive the same line back the tractor is off by roughly 30cm.

Any ideas on what could be wrong or what to troubleshoot?

Have you zero’d the bno085 when on dead level concrete?
It could still be your was isnt zero’d correctly.

I have not… I will try that.

Do you have an RTK fix?

Yes I have.

Single or dual antenna? What PCB? What firmware?

Is it 30 cm off but parallel to the outgoing AB line? If so, it might be a setup issue. Make sure to have the dimensions for the antenna offset correct.

Drive along the ab line and stop when you’re perfectly on the line, mark the center of the tractor and then turn around and come back on that same line in the opposite direction and stop when you reach your mark, see how far you are from your mark. Take that measurement and divide by two, that’s how much you need to adjust your GPS antenna left/right offset. Then you can repeat the test from the beginning to see if it’s correct.

It is trimble but it the best way to correct antenna offset.

Just drive autopilot engaged along the ab lines.

Instead of center you can also mark the both outsides of left and right tires.

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Single antenna. Micro v4.1. I believe it’s the latest firmware, or the most stable firmware.

I now created an AB line when driving along on a road. Then I created another AB line when driving back the same road. Now when I compare the lines they are parallel but offset around 30cm.

dont create 2 ,drive the original line both ways

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Make sure your IMU orientation is correct (X or Y). If it’s not, then you’ll be off the line when heading downhill as it thinks the tractor is leaning over.

I also tried driving the same line back, and thats when I saw/felt that it was driving parallel/off.

Have you tried as m_elias and raycorp suggested?

I will try them as soon as possible. We’re in the middle of harvest at the moment so it will have to wait…
But I am grateful for your answers. I will let you know how it goes.

I have same problem, didnt solved yet :frowning:
I did try with antena offset but no luck

What are your symptoms/problems

Update. Finally got the tractor back from repair.
I decided to reset everything in AOG and then use the wizard for steer settings and tractor/antenna settings. I was also very thorough when zeroing the WAS.

After this it seems that the tractor stays on the AB lines with good precision.

It is possible that my issue was a simple user error, since I fiddled with almost every setting in AOG…

Thanks everyone for your support on this problem.