First download the software onto whatever windows computer you have and start playing with it.
Take some time and read the many how to start threads in the forum. Also threads specific to how you want to install.
Start looking for a tablet with a nice bright screen.
Find and order the RTK GNSS modules and antennas.
Get a working basestation
Get a Fix with the rover
Look for a Bno085 as soon as possible
Keep tabs on PANDA developments as the new imu timing works well, and due to the performance gain will most likely become the dominant .ino
Start ordering parts to build and box your chosen board.
AOG develops fast, so if you do not like change and updates v5.5 with V2/kapoui is a stable long term release.
If you like new concepts and projects all the time the latest release changes quite often. There are always new things happening, both hardware and software. AOG is what you want it to be, everything can be changed. Always some new experiment.
Panda is backwards compatible as an add on to an existing V2 board. There are many new Panda boards designs available currently you can build as well.
If you get stuck we are all here to help out.