I am working on some testing for a system, and I would like to plant up to the field boundary and then turn around outside the field boundary using a u-turn and then start planting again as soon as I hit the boundary.
Use a drive through internal boundary. Just make a box around the bit you don’t want to seed. I have a paddock with a road like this. Uturn goes to the outer boundary. In my case the road isn’t as wide as I’ve set the headland though.
Unless I am mistaken I cant use bing maps to determine my headlands so I was hoping for a border solution but I can make this work if thats what I need to do.
I have 3 fields that are inside my larger pasture. They are about 60 yards wide and very long. Each spring I remove the 60 yard fence and plant the fields. Then in the winter I open them up to the cattle. I can turn around in the pasture and not hurt a thing nor loose any acreage. Better overall utlization.
With a bit of code edit it will draw and attempt to uTurn out side of boundary. It still wants to shut the U-turn off when the boundary is breached. But you can edit and make it work. Easy way is to draw the boundary past you 60 m fence the length of your u-turn circle.
Thanks. I can play around some more. If my boundary is past and I place a headland it should turn around and stop playing at the headland. That would be ideal. I obviously don’t have headlands in this situation but I have some ideas.