You might need to power the relay board separately as i doubt you’ll get enough juice down the usb cable to run all that.
Rigging up the f9p to the ethernet port might help you and alot better connections aswell.
I did originally run the f9p and a nano very briefly via a usb splitter until i went the aio route.
The nano is powered by 5v i believe.
I used a 5v relay board but i powered that separately using a 12v to 5v converter then just used the nano for the switching signals but i was using a relay board for 12 switches aswell
Depending how many relays you want to operate but id say the usb might be capable of possibly 1 or 2 but any more you might be struggling especially as your powering the f9p aswell.
Im sure there are ways around it and someone better suited than me to advise you.