(Variable) Rate control

How much data can be sent that won’t impact other AOG functions? How many bytes would be needed to send all of the data for 5 rates?

When you say all the data, what do you mean?

Rate 1 = xxxxxxxx.xx
Rate 2 = xxxxxxxx.xx
Rate 3 = xxxxxxxx.xx
Rate 4 = xxxxxxxx.xx
Rate 5 = xxxxxxxx.xx

Sent for each location of center of tool?

or sent for each location of center of section?

Five values read from kml. If no value it is zero. Color is first value. Might be able to click in the square and map the other colors.


I meant is just % sent or actual rate as well. If just % then one byte for each of 5 products would be 10 bytes when including PGN overhead. Send once or twice a second. Could there be separate maps for each product.

I think sent for center of tool.


Leaning strong towards actual rate. Currently it reads whatever is in the kml. Up to five values are read.

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Ok that can work. The PGN will have to send the units as well as the rate.

So 5 values are read from the map and AOG will send 1 of the 5 depending on where the applicator is on the map?

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There are no units in the kml file. 320000, 230, 11, 75. It is just numbers. While we can recognize what they should be. It would be speculation to assign them real units.

Up to 5 values are read for each contour. At any one spot in the field there are five rates.

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I would suggest having a default or base rate for each layer, that way if you happen to have a blank spot on map or go outside the map size you won’t apply zero product. Kinda like a failsafe rate, have seen issues with other VR were a polygon inside the field is missed and would end up getting no product



After some head scratching, finally was able to click on the box and scroll through the maps. Maybe someone can explain why when you copy a list to a location, that new location gets changed when the first list is changed??? If you copy over individual parts of the list, no problem, but when you say list b = list a then leave list b and go to make modifications to list a and copy to list c, all three are the same.


So AOG sends the 5 rates, the user picks one of the rates for each product, the user defines the units and also enters a base rate in case of missing vr data.

The PGN could be:

If using 1 decimal place the rate could be up to 6553.5. That wouldn’t fit the 320000 in the kml file. Does the PGN need 3 bytes for each rate?


Oh my goodness, what a step back in time!

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I think this is key. rate then becomes a percentage of base rate which would be all around much easier. Every field has a base rate - no matter if seeding, fertilizing, spraying etc, it is how non vr farming has always been. 50 kg of N, 20 kg P and 50 kg of seed. The VR map adds a tweak to that overall value. I think would greatly simplify the entire process

We do manual VR, in low high fertility areas, we cut back so crop does not lodge using a second rate. Problem is, easy to forget to turn back up the rate.


Yes, in our case we have 4 tanks on seeder cart. We could set base rate at something like 100 lbs per acre for each tank, then all VR maps could be made knowing that info and simply a % of 100 lbs/acre. Could set default rate at a % of the 100lbs as well for each tank so that if you were to “go out of bounds” it would simply revert to default rate. In my case it would be easier if default rate stayed the same for every tank then I would know that when making the VR maps, just make them a % of that rate

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To percent it is. All five will be a percent. 0 to 200. 100 as default. When reading the kml, they will each import with a weighted average based on area. The weighted average will be 100 percent by default. You will be able to select a rate for the 100 percent.

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The rate app won’t know when the vr data is missing. If 0 is the % this may be the correct rate and not missing data. A number like 255 could be sent to signal missing data. The rate app would then use the base rate.

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Agreed. 255 if no data. All other will come in as 0-200

I hope you will finish it soon. With the current crazy prices of fertilizers, the benefits of implementation will be very large.

So if it I drive outside a VR map but want to keep seeding will it default to a base rate? This is when it sees no VR map and will send 255? Then somewhere in the settings we would set a base rate that would be applied when this happens for each tank?

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My thinking, base rate is always applied unless interrupted by AOG.

So the rate app controls all the basic rate stuff. AOG is sending out five values of 255 unless there is some other percentage for a contour that you are in. No contour, 255 x5. Unset contour, 100 x5. Need something different, draw or import contour and modify any or all five of the rates.

Map all rates in AOG.

My thinking.


I like it, :+1::+1:

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I think that’s because a list is a collection of references. When you assign list b to list a, you’re making a copy of the list references, which refer back to the same objects. This is called a shallow copy. If you want to have a brand new, independent list, this requires a deep copy, meaning it copies not just the list, but the items on the list. Unfortunately I do not know how to do that in C#, although I’m sure there’s a way.

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