(Variable) Rate control

The teensy board has onboard relays and is the most expensive. The nano board can connect to relay modules, is through-hole mounted and least expensive. The nano memory size is limited for any extra capabilities. Performance in rate and section control is no better with the teensy.

I have already bought a board with teensy from jblc. I connect via udp, but it does not connect to the machine

To set the subnet on the module use PCBsetup. The set function in AGIO will also work.

It can be done from the rate app, but only on later versions of the teensy module software in the ChangePGNs branch.

New release includes subnet change from rate app.

the relays do not respond, the module is not visible. what am i doing wrong

Do the lights blink on the ethernet connector? Have you connected the 6 pin ethernet header on the teensy?

Did you upload the latest teensy firmware? If you use the arduino ide what does the serial monitor show?

Uploading: Ekrano kopija (3) (1).png…

the ethernet light is flashing

What does the about form say?


Can you ping from a command prompt?

Did you try pinging the address?

I’m very sorry, it’s too difficult for me, I don’t understand where to look

Start menu/windows system/command prompt


With the new release it is not possible to set the RateControllerApp/Network to an wifi network adress!

In the following screenshots is the mobile hotspot where the RC-ESP32 ( is connected.

RC Version 3.5.3


In the previous version, it was possible by Network-Wifi dialog

RC Version 3.5.1


Did you press the Networks-Set and Networks-Download button?

I didn’t think anyone used it. I will put it back. Do you need the wifi code for esp8266 to teensy in the teensy firmware?

Do you or anyone use the Windows Hotspot dialog?

Can you see what’s wrong?

I can not. The module and the app are on the same subnet. I don’t know why they won’t connect. Maybe send the blink example code to the teensy and then reload it with the firmware again.

Thank you. I will try

when are these pins used?