I think he means a beep coming from your tablet. It should be fine if you can beep for an adjusted value in meters before hitting the headland and a beep if your on the headland (with your implement)
I was thinking about a buzzer, but as the tablet already equipped is, i thought it would be easier. And i guess it is a function that is usefull for all users.
If it is not possible i will put à buzzer.
It would be good to hear a beep at a certain distance of beep per second and accelerate as it approaches the line, as is the case with car parking sensors.
Add a “virtual relay” that plays the chime?
So everyone can customize it (and also use it for notification when the implement has to be lowered again).
It almost seems that only 1 person at a time can develop AOG. winforms is absolutely terrible and is generally known to screw up if there are more then 1 incremental builds if any 2 are related. You know this stuff a lot better then me. Right now i’m working on a huge code change with guidance lines, IT is doubtful anyone can add anything until that is done. Doesn’t seem very efficient, but previously it has been a lot of problems.
Maybe you can open a pull request and label it as Work In Progress? I can take a look and see if we can tweak something as far as git is concerned to make merges easier.
I understand it’s less effort to make one larger pull request but if pull requests were segregated in scope it would be easier to merge together. Maybe the first thing a contributor does is open up a pull request for the feature that way we know what is actively being developed?
I had a pull request that had alarms under uturn settings. You could turn the alarm on/off as well as set the alarm start distance to boundary. Would that be a viable solution?