How often Do you need to Set roll to zero.
I use a CMPS14 with Panda. I have seen that zero roll offset on same flat underground can varias a lot, more than 0.5 degree, after a complete New Start of the whole System. Have someone seen same Problem?
I have mounted my cmps14 on the chassis and did it on concrete. Now I’m tilling on side hill and on one side I have -4 to -6 degrees, the other is 15; 20 degrees. Now I’m on the concrete again and it’s showing 2 and when I turn the tractor on 180 degrees it’s showing 1.7(I think it should be -1.7 ?)
I have leveled the tractor and set roll to zero and it was ok so I make couple of passes in the field. Then I think when I turned on the AC the AOG went like drunk for 1 second and the roll degrees -13 on one side and +7 on the other…
Yes, interfernece. AC- air con. Lights - headlights, but when I turn on all of them and not every time just once then I turn them off and on, but no interfernece.
I tried an test with Panda… I feel that the Fix2fix heading is the Bad influence. So in the Heading Chart the Imu heading looks smooth, but the fix2fix heading wiggl woggls a lot. I have rtk fix so the roll will be the Bad Thing i think.