5 volt Pressure Transducer

Are you sure, this code is correct?

SteeringWheelPressureReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(3);
SteeringWheelPressureReading = (SteeringWheelPressureReading * 0.1875F);

As it was wouldn’t it do what it is supposed to whether the encoder button was pressed or not.

I have a usb setup.

If I add an “if” statement as shown below for the (aogSettings.ShaftEncoder) then it would be activated by the encoder button? Which is probably how it should be anyhow. I will double check it in the tractor tomorrow. The count shouldnt matter I had it at 10 so it wouldn’t interfere.

It should be relying strictly on what the input is from the ads1115 on aux 3 (PCB AUX 2) and if it’s over the limit stated then it should change the switch state. Hopefully tomorrow goes better.

What baffled me the most was why my push button to disengage and re engage wasnt working when driving down an AB line. It would make the icon in the program change shade but that was it.

  //Modified by Slimfarmer on 3-25-2020        
  //To add 5 volt pressure transducer capability vs a rotory encoder

  if (aogSettings.ShaftEncoder)
    SteeringWheelPressureReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(3);
    SteeringWheelPressureReading = (SteeringWheelPressureReading * 0.1875F); 
    if (SteeringWheelPressureReading >= SteeringWheelPressureReadingLimit)
      steerSwitch = 1; // from Steeringwheel pressure transducer sensor
      currentState = 1;
      previous = HIGH;

10 counts does matter, and it will certainly not interfere, because program will not react before you have pressed button 10 times (made 10 spikes with transducer)

The encoder code is programmed to look for 10 spikes on analog input 2. Nothing is hooked to it…

My code monitors a different input (ads1115 aux3) and changes the state of steer switch to 1 (off) if it’s over a certain voltage. I really don’t understand why the encoder count settings would matter in my situation.

I could have it change the count instead of the switch state and trick it into turning off that way…

I didn’t figure out what your code should do. So you are right and I understand why you mention 10.

1 Like

It really should work, all it is doing is doing the same thing as when the counter hits the limit. Can you post the whole ino?

Just attach as a text file

Here is what I have been using. If you see anything wrong please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated. My self taught hours for c++ could probably be counted on my hands. I am not sure how to attach files on here yet…

  // This Script has been modified by Slimfarmer on 3-25-2020
  // Modified to activate a hydraulic valve block that uses a shuttle shut off solenoid on Pin 2 when auto guidance is engaged.
  // Modified to use a 0-5 volt pressure transducer sensor on ADS 1115 Aux2 input to turn off auto steer when steering wheel is turned.
    int SteeringZerostartingsetpoint = 2100;  // Use this to easily change your Zero point if the + or - 127 in the program is not enough 
  // Pressure Transducer sensor for manual steering wheel movement
    long SteeringWheelPressureReading = 0;
    byte SteeringWheelPressureReadingLimit = 2000;
  ////////////////////   ***********  Motor drive connections  **************888
  //Connect ground only for cytron, Connect Ground and +5v for IBT2
  //Dir1 for Cytron Dir, Both L and R enable for IBT2
  #define DIR1_RL_ENABLE  4  //PD4

  //PWM1 for Cytron PWM, Left PWM for IBT2
  #define PWM1_LPWM  3  //PD3

  //Not Connected for Cytron, Right PWM for IBT2
  #define PWM2_RPWM  9 //D9

  //int0  Steering Wheel Encoder - turns Autosteer off
  #define encAPin     2   //PD2 

  //--------------------------- Switch Input Pins ------------------------
  #define STEERSW_PIN 6 //PD6
  #define WORKSW_PIN 7  //PD7
  #define REMOTE_PIN 8  //PB0 

  #include <Wire.h>
  #include <EEPROM.h> 
  #include "zADS1015.h"
  Adafruit_ADS1115 ads;     // Use this for the 16-bit version ADS1115

  //GY-45 (1C)
  //installed Sparkfun, Adafruit MMA8451 (1D)   
  #include "MMA8452_AOG.h"  //MMA inclinometer
  MMA8452 MMA1D(0x1D);   
  MMA8452 MMA1C(0x1C);
  uint16_t x_ , y_ , z_;        

  #include "BNO055_AOG.h"  // BNO055 IMU
  #define A 0X28             //I2C address selection pin LOW
  #define B 0x29             //                          HIGH
  #define RAD2GRAD 57.2957795
  BNO055 IMU(A);  // create an instance
  #define EEP_Ident 0xEDFB  
  //loop time variables in microseconds  
  const unsigned int LOOP_TIME = 100;      
  unsigned long lastTime = LOOP_TIME;
  unsigned long currentTime = LOOP_TIME;
  byte watchdogTimer = 20;
  byte serialResetTimer = 100; //if serial buffer is getting full, empty it
  //Kalman variables
  float rollK = 0, Pc = 0.0, G = 0.0, P = 1.0, Xp = 0.0, Zp = 0.0;
  float XeRoll = 0;
  const float varRoll = 0.1; // variance,
  const float varProcess = 0.0001; //smaller is more filtering

  //inclinometer variables
  int roll = 0;
  //Program flow
  bool isDataFound = false, isSettingFound = false, isMachineFound=false, isAogSettingsFound = false; 
  bool MMAinitialized = false;
  int header = 0, tempHeader = 0, temp, EEread = 0;
  byte relay = 0, relayHi = 0, uTurn = 0;
  byte remoteSwitch = 0, workSwitch = 0, steerSwitch = 1, switchByte = 0;
  float distanceFromLine = 0, gpsSpeed = 0;
  //steering variables
  float steerAngleActual = 0;
  float steerAngleSetPoint = 0; //the desired angle from AgOpen
  long steeringPosition = 0; //from steering sensor
  float steerAngleError = 0; //setpoint - actual
    //pwm variables
  int pwmDrive = 0, drive = 0, pwmDisplay = 0;
  float pValue = 0;

  //Steer switch button  ***********************************************************************************************************
  byte currentState = 1;
  byte reading;
  byte previous = 0;
  byte test = 0;

  volatile int pulseCount = 0; // Steering Wheel Encoder
  volatile bool encEnable = false; //debounce flag

     //Variables for settings  
   struct Storage {
      float Ko = 0.0f;  //overall gain
      float Kp = 0.0f;  //proportional gain
      float Ki = 0.0f;  //integral gain
      float Kd = 0.0f;  //derivative gain 
      float steeringPositionZero = 1660.0;
      byte minPWMValue=10;
      int maxIntegralValue=20;//max PWM value for integral PID component
      float steerSensorCounts=30;        
  };  Storage steerSettings;  //27 bytes

    //Variables for settings - 0 is false  
   struct Setup {
      byte InvertWAS = 0;
      byte InvertRoll = 0;
      byte MotorDriveDirection = 0;
      byte SingleInputWAS = 1;
      byte CytronDriver = 1;
      byte SteerSwitch = 1;
      byte UseMMA_X_Axis = 0;
      byte ShaftEncoder = 0;
      byte BNOInstalled = 0;
      byte InclinometerInstalled = 0;   // set to 0 for none
                                        // set to 1 if DOGS2 Inclinometer is installed and connected to ADS pin A2
                                        // set to 2 if MMA8452 installed GY-45 (1C)
                                        // set to 3 if MMA8452 installed Sparkfun, Adafruit MMA8451 (1D)      
      byte MaxSpeed = 20;
      byte MinSpeed = 15;
      byte PulseCountMax = 5; 
      byte AckermanFix = 100;     //sent as percent
  };  Setup aogSettings;          //11 bytes

  //reset function
  void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0;

void setup()
  //keep pulled high and drag low to activate, noise free safe 
  pinMode(encAPin, INPUT_PULLUP);  

  // modified by Slimfarmer on 3-25-2020    <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIED
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);  // autoguidance shuttle solenoid on pin2
  //set up communication

  EEPROM.get(0, EEread);              // read identifier
  if (EEread != EEP_Ident)   // check on first start and write EEPROM
    EEPROM.put(0, EEP_Ident);
    EEPROM.put(2, 1660); 
    EEPROM.put(10, steerSettings);   
    EEPROM.put(40, aogSettings);
    EEPROM.get(2, EEread);            // read SteerPosZero
    EEPROM.get(10, steerSettings);     // read the Settings
    EEPROM.get(40, aogSettings);

  // BNO055 init
  if (aogSettings.BNOInstalled) 
    IMU.setExtCrystalUse(true);   //use external 32K crystal

  //interrupt pin
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(encAPin), EncoderISR, FALLING);// Hardware IRQ 0
  if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 2 )
      // MMA8452 (1) Inclinometer
      MMAinitialized = MMA1C.init();
      if (MMAinitialized)
      //else Serial.println("MMA init fails!!");
  else if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 3 )
      // MMA8452 (1) Inclinometer
      MMAinitialized = MMA1D.init();
      if (MMAinitialized)
      //else Serial.println("MMA init fails!!");
}// End of Setup

void loop()
	// Loop triggers every 100 msec and sends back gyro heading, and roll, steer angle etc	 
	currentTime = millis();
	if (currentTime - lastTime >= LOOP_TIME)
		lastTime = currentTime;

    //reset debounce
    encEnable = true;
    //If connection lost to AgOpenGPS, the watchdog will count up and turn off steering
    if (watchdogTimer++ > 250) watchdogTimer = 12;

    //clean out serial buffer to prevent buffer overflow
    if (serialResetTimer++ > 20)
      while (Serial.available() > 0) char t = Serial.read();
      serialResetTimer = 0;
    if (aogSettings.BNOInstalled)
    if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled ==1)
        //DOGS2 inclinometer
        rollK = ((ads.readADC_SingleEnded(2))); // 24,000 to 2700
        rollK = (rollK - 13300)*0.0357;
    // MMA8452 Inclinometer (1C)           
    else if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 2)
        if (MMAinitialized)
          MMA1C.getRawData(&x_, &y_, &z_);

          if (aogSettings.UseMMA_X_Axis) 
              roll= x_; //Conversion uint to int
          else roll = y_;
          if (roll > 4200)  roll =  4200;
          if (roll < -4200) roll = -4200;
          rollK = map(roll,-4200,4200,-960,960); //16 counts per degree (good for 0 - +/-30 degrees) 
    // MMA8452 Inclinometer (1D)        
    else if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled == 3)
        if (MMAinitialized)
          MMA1D.getRawData(&x_, &y_, &z_);

          if (aogSettings.UseMMA_X_Axis) 
              roll= x_; //Conversion uint to int
          else roll = y_;
          if (roll > 4200)  roll =  4200;
          if (roll < -4200) roll = -4200;
          rollK = map(roll,-4200,4200,-960,960); //16 counts per degree (good for 0 - +/-30 degrees) 
    //if not positive when rolling to the right
    if (aogSettings.InvertRoll)
      rollK *= -1.0;
    //Kalman filter
    Pc = P + varProcess;
    G = Pc / (Pc + varRoll);
    P = (1 - G) * Pc;
    Xp = XeRoll;
    Zp = Xp;
    XeRoll = G * (rollK - Zp) + Xp;

    //read all the switches
    workSwitch = digitalRead(WORKSW_PIN);  // read work switch
    if (aogSettings.SteerSwitch == 1) //steer switch on - off
      steerSwitch = digitalRead(STEERSW_PIN); //read auto steer enable switch open = 0n closed = Off
    else   //steer Button momentary
      reading = digitalRead(STEERSW_PIN);      
      if (reading == LOW && previous == HIGH) 
        if (currentState == 1)
          currentState = 0;
          steerSwitch = 0;
          currentState = 1;
          steerSwitch = 1;
      previous = reading;
    if (aogSettings.ShaftEncoder && pulseCount >= aogSettings.PulseCountMax ) 
      steerSwitch = 1; // from Steeringwheel encoder
      currentState = 1;
      previous = HIGH;
    remoteSwitch = digitalRead(REMOTE_PIN); //read auto steer enable switch open = 0n closed = Off
    switchByte = 0;
    switchByte |= (remoteSwitch << 2); //put remote in bit 2
    switchByte |= (steerSwitch << 1);   //put steerswitch status in bit 1 position
    switchByte |= workSwitch;

    #if Relay_Type == 1
        SetRelays();       //turn on off section relays
    #elif Relay_Type == 2
        SetuTurnRelays();  //turn on off uTurn relays
  //Modified by Slimfarmer on 3-25-2020        <----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIED
  //To add 5 volt pressure transducer capability vs a rotory encoder
  if (aogSettings.ShaftEncoder)
    SteeringWheelPressureReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(3);
    SteeringWheelPressureReading = (SteeringWheelPressureReading * 0.1875F); 
    if (SteeringWheelPressureReading >= SteeringWheelPressureReadingLimit)
      steerSwitch = 1; // from Steeringwheel pressure transducer sensor
      currentState = 1;
      previous = HIGH;
    //get steering position       
    if (aogSettings.SingleInputWAS)   //Single Input ADS
      steeringPosition = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);    //ADS1115 Single Mode 
      steeringPosition = (steeringPosition >> 3); //bit shift by 3  0 to 3320 is 0 to 5v
    else    //ADS1115 Differential Mode
      steeringPosition = ads.readADC_Differential_0_1(); //ADS1115 Differential Mode
      steeringPosition = (steeringPosition >> 3); //bit shift by 3  0 to 3320 is 0 to 5v
    steeringPosition = (steeringPosition - steerSettings.steeringPositionZero);   //read the steering position sensor
      //convert position to steer angle. 32 counts per degree of steer pot position in my case
      //  ***** make sure that negative steer angle makes a left turn and positive value is a right turn *****
    if (aogSettings.InvertWAS)
        steerAngleActual = (float)(steeringPosition) / -steerSettings.steerSensorCounts;
        steerAngleActual = (float)(steeringPosition) / steerSettings.steerSensorCounts; 

    //Ackerman fix
    if (steerAngleActual < 0) steerAngleActual = (steerAngleActual * aogSettings.AckermanFix)/100;
    if (watchdogTimer < 10)
        if (!aogSettings.CytronDriver)
          digitalWrite(DIR1_RL_ENABLE, 1); //Enable H Bridge for IBT2      
        steerAngleError = steerAngleActual - steerAngleSetPoint;   //calculate the steering error
        calcSteeringPID();  //do the pid
        motorDrive();       //out to motors the pwm value
         //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    <--------------------------- MODIFIED
        // modified by Slimfarmer on 3-25-2020
        digitalWrite(2,LOW);  //Activate autoguidance relay
        //we've lost the comm to AgOpenGPS, or just stop request
        if (!aogSettings.CytronDriver)
          digitalWrite(DIR1_RL_ENABLE, 0); //Disable H Bridge for IBT2
        pwmDrive = 0; //turn off steering motor
        motorDrive(); //out to motors the pwm value
        //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    <-----------------------------MODIFIED
        // modified by Slimfarmer on 3-25-2020
        digitalWrite(2,HIGH);  //Deactivate autoguidance relay

      //Serial Send to agopenGPS **** you must send 10 numbers ****
      Serial.print((int)(steerAngleActual * 100)); //The actual steering angle in degrees
      Serial.print((int)(steerAngleSetPoint * 100));   //the setpoint originally sent
      // *******  if there is no gyro installed send 9999
      if (aogSettings.BNOInstalled)
        Serial.print((int)IMU.euler.head);       //heading in degrees * 16 from BNO
        Serial.print(9999);                 //No IMU installed
      //*******  if no roll is installed, send 9999
      if (aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled)
        Serial.print((int)XeRoll);          //roll in degrees * 16
        Serial.print(9999);                 //no Inclinometer installed

      //the status of switch inputs
      Serial.print(switchByte); //steering switch status 
      Serial.flush();   // flush out buffer        
  	} //end of timed loop

      //This runs continuously, not timed //// Serial Receive Data/Settings /////////////////

  delay (10);
  if (Serial.available() > 0 && !isDataFound && !isSettingFound && !isMachineFound && !isAogSettingsFound) 
    int temp = Serial.read();
    header = tempHeader << 8 | temp;               //high,low bytes to make int
    tempHeader = temp;                             //save for next time
    if (header == 32766) isDataFound = true;        //Do we have a match?
    if (header == 32764) isSettingFound = true;     //Do we have a match?
    if (header == 32762) isMachineFound = true;     //Do we have a match?    
    if (header == 32763) isAogSettingsFound = true;     //Do we have a match?    

  //Data Header has been found, so the next 8 bytes are the data
  if (Serial.available() > 7 && isDataFound)
    //was section control lo byte

    isDataFound = false;
    gpsSpeed = Serial.read() * 0.25;  //actual speed times 4, single byte

    //distance from the guidance line in mm
    distanceFromLine = (float)(Serial.read() << 8 | Serial.read());   //high,low bytes

    //set point steer angle * 10 is sent
    steerAngleSetPoint = ((float)(Serial.read() << 8 | Serial.read()))*0.01; //high low bytes

    //auto Steer is off if 32020,Speed is too slow, motor pos or footswitch open
    if (distanceFromLine == 32020 | gpsSpeed < aogSettings.MinSpeed | gpsSpeed > aogSettings.MaxSpeed) 
       watchdogTimer = 12; //turn off steering motor
    else          //valid conditions to turn on autosteer
       watchdogTimer = 0;  //reset watchdog
       serialResetTimer = 0; //if serial buffer is getting full, empty it

  //Machine Header has been found, so the next 8 bytes are the data
  if (Serial.available() > 7 && isMachineFound)
    isMachineFound = false;

    relayHi = Serial.read();
    relay = Serial.read();    
    gpsSpeed = Serial.read() * 0.25;  //actual speed times 4, single byte
    uTurn = Serial.read();    

  //ArdSettings has been found, so the next 8 bytes are the data
  if (Serial.available() > 7 && isAogSettingsFound)
    isAogSettingsFound = false;
    byte sett = Serial.read(); //setting0
    if (bitRead(sett,0)) aogSettings.InvertWAS = 1; else aogSettings.InvertWAS = 0;
    if (bitRead(sett,1)) aogSettings.InvertRoll = 1; else aogSettings.InvertRoll = 0;
    if (bitRead(sett,2)) aogSettings.MotorDriveDirection = 1; else aogSettings.MotorDriveDirection = 0;
    if (bitRead(sett,3)) aogSettings.SingleInputWAS = 1; else aogSettings.SingleInputWAS = 0;
    if (bitRead(sett,4)) aogSettings.CytronDriver = 1; else aogSettings.CytronDriver = 0;
    if (bitRead(sett,5)) aogSettings.SteerSwitch = 1; else aogSettings.SteerSwitch = 0;
    if (bitRead(sett,6)) aogSettings.UseMMA_X_Axis = 1; else aogSettings.UseMMA_X_Axis = 0;
    if (bitRead(sett,7)) aogSettings.ShaftEncoder = 1; else aogSettings.ShaftEncoder = 0;
    sett = Serial.read();  //setting1  
    if (bitRead(sett,0)) aogSettings.BNOInstalled = 1; else aogSettings.BNOInstalled = 0;

    aogSettings.MaxSpeed = Serial.read();  //actual speed
    aogSettings.MinSpeed = Serial.read();    

    byte inc = Serial.read();
    aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled = inc & 192;
    aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled = aogSettings.InclinometerInstalled >> 6;
    aogSettings.PulseCountMax = inc & 63;

    aogSettings.AckermanFix = Serial.read();
    EEPROM.put(40, aogSettings);

  //Settings Header has been found, 8 bytes are the settings
  if (Serial.available() > 7 && isSettingFound)
    isSettingFound = false;  //reset the flag
    //change the factors as required for your own PID values
    steerSettings.Kp = (float)Serial.read() * 1.0;   // read Kp from AgOpenGPS
    steerSettings.Ki = (float)Serial.read() * 0.001;   // read Ki from AgOpenGPS
    steerSettings.Kd = (float)Serial.read() * 1.0;   // read Kd from AgOpenGPS
    steerSettings.Ko = (float)Serial.read() * 0.1;   // read Ko from AgOpenGPS
    steerSettings.steeringPositionZero = SteeringZerostartingsetpoint + Serial.read();  //read steering zero offset   //  <-----------Modified
    steerSettings.minPWMValue = Serial.read(); //read the minimum amount of PWM for instant on
    steerSettings.maxIntegralValue = Serial.read()*0.1; //
    steerSettings.steerSensorCounts = Serial.read(); //sent as 10 times the setting displayed in AOG
    EEPROM.put(10, steerSettings);
} // end of main loop

//ISR Steering Wheel Encoder
  void EncoderISR()
     if (encEnable) 
        encEnable = false;

Is your steer switch set to button?

Also, why do you multiply the pressure reading by 0.1875 ? Best to just use the raw numbers like 600 and 2000 or whatever, because i see your PressureReadingLimit is 2000. no need to multiply it.

Also, you are making your pressureLimit a byte - from 0-255. not what you want. Make it an unsigned int or long if it goes above 64,000.

byte SteeringWheelPressureReadingLimit = 2000;

Does this make sense?

I used 0.1875 because the test program I found to read the ads1115 aux3 used it. In your ino. file the WAS bit shifts by three. What exactly does that mean?

//get steering position       
if (aogSettings.SingleInputWAS)   //Single Input ADS
  steeringPosition = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);    //ADS1115 Single Mode 
  steeringPosition = (steeringPosition >> 3); //bit shift by 3  0 to 3320 is 0 to 5v

I have button selected and sent that to the arduino.

I will try using raw data and change the byte to a int since it doesn’t need decimal places like a long would give.

The >> is called a bit shift operator. 16 >> 1 would result in 8, 16 >>2 would be 4. Its like really efficient division where the bits are shifted over either left or right.

So in the ADS code for WAS, value >> 3 is the same as value/8.

Remember int goes from -32768 to +32767 whereas uint goes from 0 to 65535.

Sounds like I have more google searching for tonight to learn about what you just said haha.

cheers :slight_smile:

ITs a learning process for sure - it never ends

I guess the real question is if I go with raw data on aux 3 of the ads1115 with 0 to 5 volts coming in will it be 0 to 3320 still? That’s what I am after with the 2000 I had.

if you do the value >> 3 like the WAS, then it should be around there. 15 bits is 32,000 divided by 4 is around 4000 full scale

I’ll see what this does tomorrow.

Thanks for the quick replies!

  //Modified by Slimfarmer on 3-25-2020        <----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFIED
  //To add 5 volt pressure transducer capability vs a rotory encoder
  if (aogSettings.ShaftEncoder)
    SteeringWheelPressureReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(3);
    SteeringWheelPressureReading = (SteeringWheelPressureReading >> 3); //bit shift by 3  0 to 3320 is 0 to 5v
    if (SteeringWheelPressureReading >= SteeringWheelPressureReadingLimit)
      steerSwitch = 1; // from Steeringwheel pressure transducer sensor
      currentState = 1;
      previous = HIGH;

You might have to play around with your limit value to match what is coming out for a reading - but you should be much closer now.

After watching a youtube video on bit shifting it looks like bits can get lost off the end if you don’t use decimals. Is that why you have to use an unsigned long to prevent that issue?

I think i just used unsigned long but could have used an uint as well. Yes, the bits just fall off the end. All you are “losing” is whether the real answer is 2345.5678 or just 2345.

2345 is good enough resolution

1 Like

I had to lower my SteeringWheelPressureReadingLimit value down to 1300 and now it works beautifully. The button works now to!

Thanks again for the help!


Awesome blossom