5 volt Pressure Transducer

I have a similar setup with a 5volt pressure transducer on valve, is this code working with your setup now? How is it wired into your PCB board. Thanks

Yes, I have it working. I tweaked the trigger amount a little lower to make it work better. I have it coming into the ads1115 marked aux 2 on the side of the PCBV2. In the code it has to be ads.readADC_SingleEnded(3) however since that’s where it actually ends up on the ads1115.

This is the INO I currently use.

Autosteer_USB_for_V4_–_Modified_By_Slimfarmer_on_3-25-2020.ino (20.4 KB)

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I modified your code to this to be able to adjust the sensibility of the steering disengagement by the pressure transducer with the encoder setting in Aog is this correct
//modif le 22/03/21 ====================================================

if (aogSettings.ShaftEncoder)
SteeringWheelPressureReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(3);
SteeringWheelPressureReading = (SteeringWheelPressureReading >> 3); //bit shift by 3 0 to 3320 is 0 to 5v
if ((pulseCount >= aogSettings.PulseCountMax)||(SteeringWheelPressureReading >=(aogSettings.PulseCountMax*100)))
steerSwitch = 1;
currentState = 1;
previous = HIGH;


looks promising. When version 4.6 comes out ill have to try it out. 1300 or 13 with the conversion in your code seemed to be a good amount for my setup. I look forward to trying it.


Hello, I got some questions on this 5 volt pressure sender . I got the V2 board running on UDP V5.6 software in a nano. I am steering a old hydraulic cat challenger I can’t find and info on what pin the signal go’s to to reference the pressure in AOG , I got one set up with a simple pressure switch ( it trips the switch when you turn ) but it works very poorly on the encoder input as when you grab the wheel it closes the switch , it is not a pulse till you let off the wheel. So AOG just keeps steering, but humans tend to keep steering and not let off the wheel . I tried to look through the Adruio ino code to determine what pin could do this or that but I am still lost . My other plan was to use a 555 timer to drive the encoder input so it would see a pulse instead of a constant voltage. But it seem like a lot of stuff to add if this sensor input works. By the way I got a Tennsy driving PANDA over UDP also. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

As far as I remember, you set the number to zero, instead of 1

Well maybe I should try 0 I will see what that dose

I probably remember wrong, if you can connect to other side of the pressure switch. Also read the answers in this thread.