Acienna OpenIMU - any experience?

Ran across this IMU and it caught my interest. Anybody have any experience with it? The part I thought looked the most interesting is it can take the RTK signal and do the fusion onboard. The code for doing so is open source and configurable.
Documentation on INS app

Looks sweet! Any idea of the price?

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Looks like $158 from Mouser.

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This type of IMU is used across JD 6000 and 7000 antennas. So I believe, it is relatively not so bad IMU )

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Relatively to what? The BNO085 or something else?

Iā€™m not sure I understood the product description correctly but looked like it is making the GNSS receiver measured position more accurate with the help of this IMU, not sure if does interpolation but I saw nothing about tilt compensated position. The device does give position and orientation data but additional calculations would be needed to obtain tilt compensation. Feels like it would be better for AgOpenGPS to perform the complete task at one place?