autosteer build

Hello everyone

My name is Matt and I wish I found this page before I found

That guy is a total con artist and the sole reason I bought from him was so I’d have some support for getting my auto steer working… Well turns out he’s useless.

I bought all the parts he recommended on his site to build but now I’m reading I should used PCB not the bread board.

Does anyone have a parts list that I can use and if anyone else has been through this, what parts that I bought for using the bread board build from aggps can I use in the PCB build?

Thanks in advance


He has been asked to stop using AOG content… seems politeness does not work.

Ya I got hooked with that too. I reported his adds to kijiji and can’t find them now. Just wish we could get his site shut down.

Go there and download latest version. There is also a support file with parts list and and files for getting pcb printed.

There is an others post about this site:

He never say his software is AgOpenGps but is cocky enough to put links to this forum!!

This guy is getting annoying and he’s potentially treading on some very thin legal ice.

I may not be an expert in electronics, but I do know a bit about the law. Will have a look at this as soon as I get chance.


Well, for a start, he hasn’t give any credit for the videos he has embedded which is conflict with YouTube’s Moral Right Section 1:

  1. The Right of Credit or Association guarantees that all creators receive authorship credit in any future presentation of their work.

More generally, it looks like he’s in breach of all kinds of rules governing creative rights accreditation.

I’ll get some clarity on this.