I am very newbie farmer here and try to use AgOpenGPS and want to get PCB but i got in trouble about PCB gerber files ,
Does anyone can provide me a full PCB board gerber file for autosteering and all needed components for soldering in the PCB ,
I just have Kindhelm IPESSA Nano GPS device.
If you need another one check the pcb category in hardware.
As for the kindhelm I don’t know what that is or if it needs to be compatible with the pcb.
You can het these pcbs from jlcpcb and if all items are in stock you don’t have to solder anything. Just add certain parts like the teensy, bno, f9p and others.
Kindhelm IPESSA Nano GPS is a device that i am using for different works it is very efficient GPS. It has a Ultra Small Dual-antenna RTK GNSS receiver with Inertial Measurement Unit
in the IPESSA box it has 2 ublox chips they are; ublox micro ZED-F9P and micro ZED-F9H
Key Features of IPESSA Nano which i have already
Dual-antenna RTK-GNSS and IMU
Well supported interfaces and protocols
Bluetooth, NFC
NMEA 2000, NMEA 0183, Custom
5 V to 24 V supply voltage
M12 industrial connector
IP68 enclosure
is it possible for me If I use the device I already have, will it be suitable without ordering new ublox chips? because the product I have already has 2 ublox chips (in the models I mentioned above).
Can the device be used with AOG? Probably. However, it will depend on your soldering skills, Arduino programming knowledge and time.
If you are looking for a fun project and have the skills, go for it. Otherwise, you would probably be better off selling that device and buying the devices the AOG boards and firmware are designed around. Namely Ardusimple or Unicore GNSS modules and Adafruit IMU’s.
As @chri5k said you will probably have to do some work in order to find out if that product can be used with aog or not. Depending on your will to sell that device and it’s price you can probably get away with selling it, purchasing the AIO from jlcpcb for around 140 usd (thats what I payed for the minimum quantities, 5 pcbs and 2 of them assembled) another 210 euros for the simplertk2b starter kit, around 60 or so on the IMU, another 60 on the teensy 4.1 or depends on how cheaply you can buy it and if I am not mistaken thats about it when it comes to the pcb and gps system. You will have to check the pcb instructions though. With the antena from the starter kit you can get rtk precision only if you have or are willing to build a ground station or if you connect to ntrip to the nearest base station, preferably rtk2go because it is free but you can find really cheap ntrip casters too if you don’t have an rtk2go station near you. I pay 20 euros a month for my ROMPOS subcription and it works wonders. Only catch with ntrip is that you need a constant internet connection in your field. I bought a 4g modem that is connected to the tablet.