All in One PCB

Thanks for your anwsers guys. Will be getting them next week and we will see what i still miss.

I placed an order at jlcpcb (5pcbs), however i have just received a mail saying that I have order a 2 layers pcb and the designed gerber is 4 layers.

They give me two options:
A- remove the inner layers to proceed 2 layers PCB
B- proceed 4 layers pcb per gerber file and send the supplement link for the cost difference

What shall I choose?
Do we need 4 layers?

You definitely need to take 4 coats. it can’t work any other way!

Could anyone recommend a substitute for TLC081IP‎ for position U14?

Also I cannot work out why say if you order 5 assembled boards from JLCPCB the parts list has numbers that are not divisible by 5?

That is the tlc081ip. Op amp for the danfoss. Are you using the Danfoss valve?

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No, just ordering the parts I’m missing,

Thank you, I will not worry about it now!

Yes, wirte to me please.

I have received the Micro with the ends from manufacturing still attached. Here the cutting process


A little reminder.

The boards come with the micro USB ports, for configuring the GPS modules, already assembled on the board.
There have been some of those ports that were not very well soldered from JLC.
If you connect to a gps with a proven, working usb cable, and a port does not open on the computer, you may need to resolder the small solder joints on the usb port.
Just reheat with soldering iron only.

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hi all, really like this AIO board but have got a simple question - do we need to order assembly on both sides or just the top side? to minimise soldering of parts later on

SMD parts are on the top only. We put the through hole parts on the bottom only to keep them sepatate.
If you want your board pre assembled, order default, top side.
If you want to use through hole components and solder youself, just dont choose assembly.
Dont order any assembly from bottom side.

To make it clear: the parts on each side substitute each other. So if one smd part is not available from jlcpcb, then you can solder the th part yourself later. You can put the th part on top side if you like.

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I think it can be replaced by the TL081CP DIP-8. But I’m not sure.

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You can get more information by clicking on the part in the list and hover your cursor over the question mark (?) in a circle next to the part’s price.
For some parts they need extra for “attrition”, so if you order 5 boards to be assembled and you need 1 piece of a specific part per board and the attrition requirement for that part is 1, then you have to buy 6 (number of parts needed + parts for attrition). This is the case for [Q3], but for [Q4,Q5] it should be 10 + 2 but instead it’s only 10.
Also there is a min quantity requirement, for example if the min req. is 15 for a specific part and you need 5, you can order 5 but you have to pay for 15 anyway. Maybe that’s why they order 15 of [D7] despite only 5 is needed. Applying this to [C20] would mean it should be 20 even if you only need 5, but guess what, it’s 5.
It looks inconsistent.

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Will the simpleRTK2Blite F9P from ardusimple fit on the micro board or do i have to buy the micro? Because minimun order for micro is 50 pieces

You will need the Micro

Check here. Possibly another group buy this winter

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Should be able to buy one if you want, see link below:

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Just orderd 1 this last friday arrived today. No problems here.

Here’s my effort so far, waiting on a ADS1115 and a Cytron…


I dont remember where it is at on that board, but all V2.4 have smd ads.
I see it inside the ads footprint. it’s U20
So probably don’t want to plug another one in

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