All in One PCB

Will check out

I just got a standard F9P AMPSEAL PCB from JLCPCB the other day. I installed teensy, but on the serial monitor ADC CONECTON failed! is displayed and cannot be recognized. When Bno085 is connected, the LED shines and it is recognized by the serial monitor. Since there is no recognition of ADC, it is displayed as aotosteer disable, gps only mod. I supplied 12v to 22pin, but nothing changed. None of the 3 LEDs on the PCB light up.
Am I missing something?

You need to solder in a jumper as marked. The PCB has a bug/glitch where the WAS I2C level shifters aren’t getting 3.3V reference. I’d recommend it from the back side. @kazu


@m_elias Thank you. I was able to solve the adc problem.
Even the serial monitor recognizes it.
But I got the following problem. I put f9p on it and tested it, but the LED on the PCB still doesn’t light up. panda is working but doesn’t recognize anything else. From teensy, no output to pwr/EthLED. For teensy I booted Autosteer_gps_teensy_v5_5 from the latest 5.6.16 support files.
Also, am I missing something?

I know the answer. All I had to do was change the IPAddress ipDestination in autosteer.ino. thank you everyone. (3,1 MB)

Fixed desing box for micro

Original Box

Fixed Box


Can you share the file as a dwg or other cad file?

There are six models, which one do you want?

Micro, screws and deutsch connector box.
Thanks a lot!

All_In_One_Jake_Screw (4,3 MB)


I’m using a single F9P, the Panda firmware for F9P is only for Dual heading only?

for me the firmware works with both setups. I started with just one F9P+imu and it worked. after that, I added the second F9P and changed setting to Dual. works also.

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*.step is as bad as *.stl for my autocad. (1,4 MB) (3,1 MB)

Fixed SMA Holes for Micro (only changes covers), hole for right micro slot, and corrected height from PCB

DWG file

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I think something is wrong on the board. I got 12v on pin 1 simpleRTK2B Micro. It was really getting hot :frowning:
Looking at print i have no idea what could be wrong. Any one have idea? I have the micro all in one AMP board.

Lookslike i have a faulty K7803. On the 3,3v output i have 12V :frowning:

Hope my micro rtk board is ok.

test a regulator and make sure it is not backward.
There are some chinese regulators that the pinout is reversed

I don’t recall if I posted earlier, but…

Before mounting Teensy, or Micros, make sure to test the power at the headers to be sure voltage is correct.
Test from circled pin to ground
On all boards.
Just good insurance since a micro costs more than the rest of the components combined. :wink:

Teensy tests 5 volts
Micros and xbee test 3.3 volts
ADS pin tests 5 volts from the linear regulator

This will insure that all 3 regulators are installed and working correctly before modules are attached.


I will do that next time😧

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not sure if using the 24V input is the solution for the amps needed for a motor: if you go with the standard PCB configuration, you get inner copper weight of only 0.5 oz. the traces up to the cytron (including the 24V ones) are only 1.75mm wide. if you have a current of 3A – which I actually measured while my phidgets motor applied some force on the wheel – you get a temperature rise of 100°C. maybe it might work in the short term but longterm the board will probably suffer.