All in One PCB

Try it on a desktop PC, so you can eliminate the USB/ethernet adpater.

You do not need 12V for testing on a PC with Standard AIO (you do for the Micro AIO), just plug USB into Teensy for power, Power/Ethernet led should turn green as soon as you plug Ethernet cable in.

Have you updated firmware on F9P and config file?

I tried to connect with my pc and it doesn’t see it. I probably did fry something. I’ll try with another Teensy when I get one. I’m really curious!

Yes I updated F9P and configed it.

I’m going to use the AOG with 24V motor. The planting is soon, so I’ll probably use it with USB. In this case I shouldn’'t put 12 v to the board throug AMPSEAL? Is it safe to put 24V to the clamp on the board?

Yes safe to put 24v to the screw terminal, that power only travels through the Cytron.

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Thank you!

Does the output from Cytron goes to AMPSEAl?

Yes Cytron outputs through Ampseal pins 5 and 6.

Hi, would you show me how you solved the additional pcb cable going from the amp to 12v? I will be installing a 12v engine and would like to make sure nothing serious happens. This is my PCB😁

Direct 12V in (black)
Direct left/right out (brown)

Current board only good up to 3A (the ampmeter can do 5A)

This way we directly power up the cytron. And have no problem using it with the MFA motor that can pull 5-7 amperes.

I was told the newer board will be able to handle 7-10 amps :slight_smile:


Hi guys, what am i missing? should i wait or order?

If you can wait a little while to order: there are some boards with an updated design being shipped for testing right now. The updated design should be released soon.


What could be wrong, the steer doesn’t work? Another similar AIO pcb works on the same tractor.


Is anyone using the XBee radios on the Simple F9P modules with V2.4? Curious about any nuances or complications.

No was.
Why do you have a ads1115 on the board? Was there not a a/d smd chip on the board under the ads1115?

I have measured all was circuits on pcb. Traktor’s was works on another circuit board. There is no smd chip, I have soldered all the footed components myself.

Check the teensy by serial monitor (via USB), may be the ADS is not detected for any reason.

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V4 should be ready to release in a few days. There are a few more circuits to test first.


Pin 15 power to Cytron?

Should that be 16?

supposed to be pin 18.
It is a little unclear on the picture, but it is 18


When ordering the new PCB, will it have to be a minimum order of 5 units again from JLCPCB?

What will be the difference between this and the new ones? I could wait for a month or so, i want this thing up and running for harvesting season at the end of july

Yes JLC does a 5 piece minimum. You can order 5 boards with only 2 boards assembled or, depending on your location, there will be several around the countries who will have extras for sale.
We need to start a “PCB Sales” thread on the discourse to connect buyers with sellers.