All in One PCB

Have just fitted the last of my components and i cant seem to get any power to the cytron. Do i need some jumpers on the header pins infront of the cytron and which ones?
Will be using the phidgets 24v electric motor and ive got the 12v 24v converter.

A picture underneath the cytron. Have i got anything missing?

You need to solder top poinst saying 12v or 24v.

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I think im there now, ran some jumpers across the pins infront of the cytron and soldered the 24v pads, connected it up and it fired up using the buttons on the cytron.
Next step is to fix everything in the tractor and try the final step :+1:


Hi, I have a question about how to connect the auto steering switch, it’s supposed to be trivial but I can’t think it through logically.

If you use aio board with ampseal then pin 8 other side to ground.

Working through first field tests on my dual receiver AIO build. Have a couple questions on setup. I would like to mount my box on edge as pictured below. Can I change the settings of the BN0085 to account for this or don’t worry about and just run ‘Dual as IMU’?

Next question, what should I set the center offset to for dual receiver? I’ve tried 0 and 22"(antennas are 22" to each side of center.

I’m getting my tractor moving at an angle

I know I’ve seen answers to both of these questions, but not have much luck digging them up.

You will have to use a 90 degree pin header for the imu. Or just use dual with no imu.
Antennas should be centered with a negative number
Wipe AOG and reload after you delete appdata

Okay, I’ll switch to dual as IMU for now. Should I remove the IMU from the board or is it good to hangout on there.
I have my antenna set at -22". I was assuming this needed to be the position of the left antenna from center? How is the right (moving base position accounted for or is it assumed to be symmetric. I probably need to go back and read the instructions…
What is the reason for needed to wipe AOG? I’m in the process now, but want to make sure I don’t end up right back in the same situation. Assuming I can keep all my field files. Can I keep my vehicle file or do I need to recreate that as well?
I’m also having an issue with my steer motor not running. All my connections look good. I have 24v at the +/- on the Cytron. Swapped Cytrons for one without freewheel mod and it runs off the buttons. Is there a good way to bench test motor function? While testing on the tractor I get a green auto steer symbol, so it seems to be happy.
Anyways, thanks for your help! I will try it again tomorrow.

Have you got the two jumpers to select Cytron left and right and have you soldered the 24V solder jumper.

Am sure ive read that if you have done the free wheel mod to the cytron then the buttons on the cytron won’t work for testing purposes

I’ve got the jumpers in place and the solder bridge. I’ve got a good 24v at the Cytron input. I did have a loose wire on the 24v input a few days ago that gave me inconsistent power. I swapped Cyrons for an unmodified just so I could test with the buttons and the motor worked, so I believe I’ve narrowed it down to a Cytron issue or a software setup issue. All header connections look good and solid

I’ve gone through the steer wizard a few times on machine and have gotten no movement. I could swap the unmodified Cytron in again and try that on machine to verify if it is the Cytron or not.

Looks like I fried my Cytron somewhere along the way. Replaced it and now my steering motor is working correctly.

Why are you using dual as imu? Do you have agressive sidehills? With dual as imu your only heading is fix to fix.
Center is measured from the right antenna. It is the position antenna.

Hi, I have a panasonic fzg1 tablet, the AG Open application takes about 1/2% of the CPU usage, so something is wrong after 1 I think it’s too low consumption, after 2 the preview from the application looks like I switched to show traces in power point, I hope someone help me, in a few hours I will try to attach a preview video

I chose dual because I have some pretty good sidehills on a couple fields and I thought it was supposed to do better with initial initial direction. Also was going to run dual plus IMU, but sounds like I would need a spot in the cab where I can get the box to lay flat. Tempted to go to single and see how I get along (still have to move the box if the IMU can’t work vertically.

I had my antenna backwards than. I was going off the board label LEFT (rover) real position as being the left antenna.

Hi how do you charge your panasonic fz g1/cf d1 tablets

Universal 12v adapter that can supply 16volts. Dont risk connecting directly to your 12 volts of the tractor. You want something regulated in my opinion.

Directly off the tractor 12v. An answer, not a recommendation.

I have been using AOG for well over 3 years and have not used any other method.

Same here

I use this, cut off the 12v plug end and wire to 12 volts. Works well