Another Ardusimple 2B micro Group buy

I’ll add you to the list, we’re up to about 27 now

Im in for 5 micros and 5 ann.

Sounds good, with that and other DMs I’ve gotten, we’re up to about 40 now. I’ve updated the top post here.

Micros only for group buy or can we order standards too?

The group buy only covers the micro F9P. But ardusimple already has the standard with antenna for a good deal than the current group buy if I recall correctly.

Yup, micros only. There is a breakout board floating around that you can use to turn one into a basestation, etc.

Also, AFAIK, the V4 board is not out with the standard modules yet.

They have the V4.2 standard released. Seem to be pretty decent boards. The breakouts are probably wildbuckwheats breakouts and the production files can be found in the boards GitHub.

Hello can you add me to the buying group I would like to buy a series of micro f9p and ann-mb

Could you add me to the buying group please. I’m after one unit

Hello, can you add me to buying group. I would like buy 6 of micro f9p and 6 of ann-mb.

I can buy 15 micro + 15 ann

3 micro + 2 ann please

also would buy 2 micro + 2 ann

It looks like we have enough to get our 50, I’ll get the ball rolling and let people know how to get their purchases registered with the discount.

Have you seen my private message, 2 pieces?

Can i still get in on this group buy?

What is the price? I heard it increased.

Here is the email I got when I let her know we were ready to go:

Hi Ian,
thank you for reaching me.

Could you please forward to me the list of the emails of the customers?
So that I will send the following steps to them.

If there is any question, feel free to contact me.

I’m not really comfortable with this, I was hoping we would get a discount code I could disseminate to anyone interested that would register them with the group buy at the reduced rate.

Here are the reduced rates they came up with given the high amount of people that plug modules into untested boards and let out the magic smoke, then blame Ardusimple:

40€ discount Micro (10€ less than last time) Sorry for this news but we thank you for your understanding, we will be happy to reduce it back once we see a reduction in the support and returns.
14€ discount ann-mb (same as last time)
28.56€ discount bno (same as last time)

The orders will be delivered 3-4 weeks after the group purchase is finished.

So if people are OK with sending me their email address, along with their expected purchase number, you can send it to this email address:

and I’ll start compiling a list. If they do come back with me with a discount code for those that aren’t comfortable giving out their email address, I’ll get back to you here.

I’ll be sending a link to this post to people that DMd me.

Is the price now 205€ -40€?

I would say so. E165 for the module, and the other items discounted as per the email.

I have standard boards and ardusimple did confirm price increase for them but unsure if they will pass it on yet:

For those not getting the kit, what antenna do you use?