Group Buy is a go

Posting here to differentiate from the many replies of people in the original thread that were just expressing interest in participating, in case people started ignoring that thread even if they are interested. It has been a couple months since we started to gather interest.

It would look like we’ve gotten enough people to go ahead with this.

Here is a link to my last reply in that thread:

So basically, you can send me an email to “” as above to add your expected order amounts to the list, or hope I get a discount code to pass along.

Edit: I don’t think there’s much chance of getting a discount code to pass along as they don’t want the code out there in the wild. So email me, and I’ll pass along to them for further instructions to you.

Email confirmed numbers (this will be edited as I get them):

Buyers replied: 14
F9P micros: 59
ANN: 57
BN0: 5

One micro, please

What’s your mail ?

I’ve submitted the first tranche of responders for their instructions on the group buy procedure. Expect an email from Ardusimple with these instructions.

If there are others that want to get in on the buy, we’ll leave it open for a couple weeks to get that discount on the F9Ps, ANN-MB and BNO. Please email me as per the instructions above and I’ll send new respondents off to Ardusimple to get you your instruction email.

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Emails will have gone out to the first people to respond on how to participate in the group buy.

Please let me know if there are any problems so I can address that in case it’s affecting other members.

There is still time to get on this group buy, we are waiting on a couple of people to put their orders in to get the count up over 50 yet.

Please email me as above to get in on the buy.

Well, I haven’t seen any further requests to join the group buy, so at this point we’re going to close the group buy and have Ardusimple prepare the shipments.

We had 59 units purchased in this group buy. Thanks to all that participated and followed through on their commitments to the effort. We collectively saved over 3000 Euros with the discounts on this.

Please make sure to test your boards BEFORE inserting the modules so we can ensure we keep the magical smoke support requests down to Ardusimple and the next group buy can have the original discount.

Again, thanks to all that participated.