AOG Autosteer Dual GPS PCB

Mine is ethernet only. I am talking to some of the guys on the dev group. They have a single with IMU, but has a trace missing. If you could hold off a few days, I think they will have it corrected.

Not important. I wait. Thank you very much for your interest.

The link to github dont work any more. Error 404

Iā€™ll check
The Teensy ino is in the hardware branch now.

In the hardware branch?
Try this. Itā€™s for the dual autosteer teensy. Be sure to set the options in the top of the main page.
Keep in mind it is a development piece of code. Iā€™m running it now though and is fine

I couldnā€™t find the parts list for the card. Iā€™m waiting for my pcb boards to arrive this week. I will order the components. I did not know the 5 connected parts in the U3.

You used TLC081 (U9) on a board, I canā€™t see another board. I did not find it in Turkey. do i need to use it?

(U3) We found the answer to my BTS422 question, but I canā€™t find it in my country. Can I use this instead of BTS442E2?

Are you using a Danfoss valve ? Thatā€™s the only purpose for the TLC081. The resistor at R1 says 330 ohm, but I am testing it with a 470 ohm. Will let you know.

I donā€™t know a lot about the BTS442. I found some BTS422 one time and used them, and they worked fine. I found a bunch of 442ā€™s in china and bought some. RichardKlasen has found a suitable MOSFET for future boards. You can also use a opto relay separate from the board that is triggered from pwm2 if you canā€™t find the bts442

I do not use a danfoss valve. I connect it directly to the motor with ibt 2. do i need it as i donā€™t use danfoss?

No, you dont need either of those components to run a motor. Just supply power to the ibt2 from a 12v supply on the board or from your input. I put a jumper where the BTS goes to have 12sw to be powered always. The tlc081 is only for danfoss and of no use to motor guys.

Can we say that I got rid of two parts that I could not find? I am eagerly waiting for my pcb to arrive. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you for giving us such a powerful card as teensy.

Yes, 2 un-needed components. You are welcome. The adoption of the Teensy was from the development team. They have blessed us with much

I got the PCB up and running in the office now. I use it over Ethernet. The current sketch can be found in GitHub farmerbriantee/AgOpenGPS in Support Folder/BasicPandaGPS/Firmware.
I only had to change the transmission to Ethernet in the sketch (send_Data_Via = 1 instead of a 0 )
And a few lines down ā€œbyte Eth_myip[4] = { 192, 168, 5, 120 };ā€ Since on the 5 instead of 1
Iā€™m looking forward to the test

in GitHub farmerbriantee/AgOpenGPS in Folder Support/BasicPandaGPS/Firmware

Hello. The pcb is slowly taking shape. I couldnā€™t find the replacement part for C11. 4N35 I guess it is required for RTK radio. I donā€™t think I need it since I donā€™t use radio.

That is a .1Uf capacitor for the ethernet port. If you cant find one, you can bend the leads a little on the one that are under the ads1115. If you use udp you definatly need to put it on.
Yes the cny17 is a 4n35. It is for speed pulse output to planter monitor and so on

In the scheme here is R1 a 2.2 KOhm resistor.
On the board is R1 a 330 ohm resistor. Which one is better?

I need to update that. I have switched to a 470ohm for that output. It is better than the 330. You only need it if you are using the Danfoss valve.
Do not put anything in for C5 right above that resistor. It is not needed.