AOG Autosteer Dual GPS PCB

So if I were to use a phone as a ntrip client, would I have to connect the phone to both receivers or how would that be done?

No, ntrip goes through aog to the right PVT receiver and the right PVT receiver sends rtcm to the left relposned receiver
Just connect to aog and the rest is good as long as you have your receivers configured for dual

So if I am understanding you correctly, connect the phone to the tablet with a cabled connection?

Just connect tablet wifi to phone hotspot.
And start the ntrip in AOG/Agio

Ok, awesome. Would there be any way to directly connect via a USBC cable from the phone to either the tablet or one of the receivers? Also, having a tablet with LTE would work as well right?

Tablet with LTE is probably best solution. If you can eliminate the hotspot connection its just one less thing to drop out.

So maybe I’ve missed something in the Google drive files but what is the best way to figure out what components to order for the duel-receiver+auto-steer pcb?

The drive file is a little outdated, but the pictures show the part numbers. There is a BOM in the github file in hardware.

Sorry, I guess I’m not finding the hardware section…?

WHFarms BOM and Placement Files.xlsx (15.4 KB)

Thanks alot. I still feel like I’m in the dark though as to what components to order. That list mostly has resistors. What about diodes, capaciters, leds, etc. ? I appreciate the help.


All but the bottom are from Digikey

This if you use Danfoss

4N33 for steer switch, remote, imp

I found this Qwiic Shield for Teensy, should be able to connect the BNO085

SparkFun Qwiic Shield für Teensy, Extended

Hello. I tested many times, I did not turn on autosteer. Where do you think I might be going wrong?

You must drive faster than 1 km/h.

Should I just use a wire for R8 or a 47 ohm resistor?

Unless you are powering an led lighted switch, you dont need R8, just leave it open. The 470 ohm resistor is only used to Udc if you use a danfoss valve.

Please tell me, I will repeat the question for clarification. It was already asked at the beginning of the thread. Maybe there were some changes. Will it work with IMU and a single simple RTK?

Yes, the same board and software work with both dual F9P or single GPS & IMU

Thanks for the answer. Understood.