Roger that! I’ll get on that later today.
Thanks a lot!
I added the wire . The buttons on the Cyron work again. However in test mode the motor is not spinning.
If you are seeing PWM with no motor movement, chase your trace. Put the negative of the multimeter on the board ground and check for the enable signal along the trace with the positive lead, and ensure voltage is making it off the board to NC terminal. Had a poor solder connection on a resistor on this trace ruin a couple evenings, until I found a cold joint.
Take it you are using the new PANDA board it may report 3.3V, is that enough to trip the cytron? the V2 board toggled it with 5V.
This is a motor test with the modded cytron
I would also raise your ACS712 current limit during initial testing to 100%, you can see in the video unloaded is about 14%
Alright, i got it sorted. I do not get 5v on PWM2 when steer is engaged, only when steer is disengaged. Seems to be the opposite as it’s supposed to be. Can i cange that in the INO? Or do i run a 5v wire to NC?
You most likely have selected “invert relay” in AgOpen on the steering settings page. Unselect that and send to Arduino
100%, that was it. Thank you!
The other day I posted that i had to use that button the invert the section control relays. That had other reasons though. Will delete that post.
Thanks again!