Auto steer won’t engage

Powered up the system for the first time today. Seems like everything is working properly, I set up agio and connected to rtk2go. WAS, IMU and GPS are all green. Next thing I did was begin the auto steer configuration wizard. WAS is giving good info but when I got to the steer motor direction test I ran into my issue. I’m not using a dedicated steer button so I enabled auto steer using the on screen button in the bottom right. It turned green and played the chime. But the steering motor didn’t activate. Did I miss a step in setting up the software? I’m using a 24v converter to drive my motor I’m under the impression that with the standard pcb I have, there is no need to install jumpers to use 24v. Maybe I miss understood that or another part of the setup.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

What board you using or put a picture up.
The earlier standard aio ive got i had to solder some pads depending if it was 12v or 24v steering but possibly the motor should still move though.
Have you done the freewheel mod or using a relay for disengage, have you tried pressing the ma mb buttons on the cytron.

i have a v4.5 standard board. i did the free wheel mod on the cytron. I am un familiar with the ma and mb buttons what do they do?

If you’ve done the freewheel mod to the cytron the ma mb wont work, if pressed they would power the steer motor.
Not done the steer wizzard recently but thought the tractor icon went yellow on that page. Have you tried the wizzard again.
What firmware are you using and how did you upload the teensy

yes it does go yellow still nothing. I updated all componets using the app. I choose latest firmware for all.

I had your symptoms on an early install i done. Turned out on the underside of the teensy there was a small blob of soldier between 2 header pins. Needed a magnifying glass to spot, worth checking the teensy and pcb for this.
Maybe put a picture of your board up and someone might spot something

ok will do

If you expand the steer settings page at the bottom left you’ll see the tractor and pwm and 2 arrows, press the arrow tractor should go green and see if you get any steer response that way

I tried that aswell still nothing. Im pretty sure I have a hardware issue. just not sure where to start.

Test the cytron for any output whilst pressing the pwm arrows. Wouldn’t be the 1st time a cytron mod has gone wrong

ok will do

Have you got the white plug on the end of the cytron and connected to the pins underneath it

No I have not done that. Is that necessary?

Here is a picture of my board. It is a v4.5 standard

Not too familiar with this latest board but ive seem that white plug connected and under the cytron are 3 holes one is pwm for the steering. Trawl through some threads and pictures and you might find a better picture of what you need to do.
Do you have the white plug for the cytron

Have a look here

oh wow thank you that looks like my issue ill go ahead and correct this and report back thank you so much!