Autosteer - Brushless Motor

I was referring to the fact that the ZS-X11H-V2 is a relatively new controller.

Hello. What did you make the insert in the motor out of? People say that the power of the motor weakens when you turn out the middle (the plate cross-section becomes smaller) and insert a solid tube. What is your experience with this?

Hi, after your experience withe this mod, are you still using it? Could you tell us any recomendation & orientation on how it behaves compared to other motor you had used/seen? Thanks

This product link no longer works. Does anyone have a link to a store that ships low quantities?

Here’s his blog post.

Yes I’m still using it, but I don’t recommend that design anymore, in my experience a DC motor like phidget is smoother and a lot simpler to set up

Purchased from here recently.

That link doesn’t show anything useful

When i click on it i get- see screen grab.

Any updated links for these motors? It doesn’t load for me anymore.

I looked and couldn’t find it. 

Thanks, by anychance do you know where to buy in small quantities? 50 units is a lot to buy for just a test

2 pcs

The advertisement said that they made special designs for bulk sales. They do not sell individually. You can use a motor instead. In keya motor, driver and motor are integrated. The engine in the ad may also need a driver. It needs to be examined carefully.

I have contacted them long time ago it is just a click bait :joy:

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Bonjour, j’ai reussi a faire fonctionner un moteur d’hoverboard avec agopengps . Je n’ai pas du changer l’ino de l’arduino, l’avantage , c’est que l’on peut tourner le volant sans desacoupler le moteur, c’est tres silencieux. Il faut juste un zs x11 , connectĂ© dir sur dir du pcb et pwm sur j1 de la carte sur le trou le plus Ă©loignĂ© du bord et branchĂ© les phases et les capteurs hall. Si cela peut aidĂ© ! Il faut juste faire attention que les phases soit bien synchronise avec les capteurs hall . Fonctionne en 12 volts .

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Peut-ĂȘtre pourriez-vous tĂ©lĂ©charger des informations plus dĂ©taillĂ©es. Merci

Can you explain it better? With more details? Which wheel did you use?