Autosteer/Relay Board

So I just built a couple of PCB V2 and. I really think the mma and ads 1115 should have some kind of support like kaupi board.

Why are you concerned about the ADS1115? Perhaps the lack of MMA support motivates AOG users to go for the brick? Of course I wouldn’t mind having support poles or holes for those. It would likely be safe to drill a hole and put a plastic support pole? Just need to know where.

well it is set up for the 8452 MMA how do you use the brick? Do you mount it off the board somewhere.?
Isnt the brick for heading? or am i confused.

I just use some hot glue.

yeah ill probably do something like that. But the Kaupi board has a post under it that looks like it would work good :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry kansasfarmer, my mistake, confused MMA and BNO because I don’t use either one. Have DOG2 and brick instead.

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Hi, I’m new and I’m following topics of great interest. My opinion may be silly (I don’t have much experience).
In my opinion, the relay board should be in a separate sprayer box.

Why not use rs485 so we only have 2 wires between the tractor and the sprayer or 4 wires if we count the power.
I apologize for my English (I translate with google translate).

Congratulations !!!

You’ll need a second serial port (arduino nano only has 1 hardware serial) and an rs485 converter

I customized these so they were a little longer and glued to the PCB after printing. Can make it into a dual snap for the MD13 as well.

I like the 5V and ground by the SCL / SDA. Also good to have the second ground with a different orientation, hard to get wires into the screw terminals otherwise.

Me too. Handy mans second secret weapon

I used stand offs that had a dab of silicone or hot glue to secure them to the pcb.

Would such a module be suitable for relay control
Thank you

It would, most of the code is already in the autosteer module to drive the 23017, so really easy! If you could find one with the relays on it as well, that would be good

Did a board design going forward get decided on?

Edit: Did you post the code for the relay board as well? Nice to see you got it working

A post was split to a new topic: Aog 4.1.1 to autosteer button

True, but there are serious advantages for RS485: withstands short circuits to 0V and 12V, immune to all kind of CM noise due to differencial signal, two-wire half-duplex. That’s why all non-ethernet PLCs use RS485 (or CAN, but that’s more complex). USB-to-RS485 sticks ship for $1 from China, so yes, of course, you need a converter, but the costs really don’t matter. Consider the stress you have with non- reliable stuff… :wink:

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