Autosteer Single GPS+IMU+Panda

Maybe starting the timer after the word “GxGGA” and not at the end of the complete sentence can make the timer less UART speed dependent, only 5 character instead of something like 82?

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For the F9P, you can adjust the Timepulse Output to however you like it. If only 1PPS is available, you can still use this to sync a timer on the MCU and use this for the “timepulses” between whole seconds.


Does f9p use same config for panda as all previous versions?
Does anyone have latest f9p config or link to it?
I searched on forum but there are lots of expired links.

Releases · farmerbriantee/AgOpenGPS · GitHub 5.6.34

I asume i need to flash 1.32 firmare first and then txt.
Is there any benefits with this firmware agains old one?

Yes, the firmware needs to be updated to 1.32. The exchange rate is now 460800.

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I update its firmware and loaded txt config, restarted, but i see it via usb at 9600.
Maybe higher baudrate for teensy , not usb.

USB doesn’t have baud rate, this can be anything because it is all ignored. This is because it is a real USB and not a serial port.

The 9600 fits the speed on my Bluetooth xbee on the ardusimple standard size f9p I have. The xbee I got was set at that speed out of the box. The xbee receive ntrip from my phone, and the teensy steerboard in on UDP to tablet.
That way AOG tablet doesn’t need/have the possibility to connect to internet and the Windows update, and system still get rtk accuracy.
Some day I might forget to turn off updates on the tablet!

i have allready one setup with c099f9p board, it has its own bluetooth and i use it like that, ntrip on cellphone

I hevent tried,maybe add to fireeall of windows, onlyallow ntrip port like 2101.

Or just install atlas OS , updates are disabled and obout 100 proceses active less then stock windows.


I have another question, im testing in house on table panda version.
Got gps float, but imu does not move when i tilt it, tried with two bno 08x.
Does it need rtk fix to work?
Here no imu data.
Its all conected with wires , but all is connected properly.

Roll work even in single mode.
And you use 3.3 v to feed bno085?

Yeap used same 3v wire to connect teensy 3v output , ioref on gps board and imu vcc

Your wiring is o.k.
You use aog 5.6.34 , did you also get the teensy autosteer udp ino from .34 download?

I’m not using udp, i use usb.

The c099 board with teensy, shown above use Autosteer_gps_teensy_v5_5 from .34 TeensyModules firmware, and roll work both with UDP and USB (Teensy usb port connected to GPS in Agio, and tested at both 9600 and 38400 speed)

is there any way to test bno, i refuse to beleve both of them not working.

There are sample sketches you can download that’ll just display serial output from them

Do you have GND from bno to teensy?

If you have problem with getting gps to teensy it could be the new speed that have been changed from 115200 to 460800
Either change ino or F9P

//HardwareSerial* SerialAOG = &Serial;

const int32_t baudAOG = 115200;
const int32_t baudGPS = 460800;
const int32_t baudRTK = 9600;

#define ImuWire Wire //SCL=19:A5 SDA=18:A4
#define RAD_TO_DEG_X_10 572.95779513082320876798154814105

Sorry for bad picture, i have foil on screen, sun involved etc :joy:
I have gps thru teensy and fix also.Went outside to test it.