Autosteer Single GPS+IMU+Panda

Either you use an older version of teensy ino with same name (2 to 5 months old) or your ino is not connected.
(Check the bno address in ino because you use a Chinese BNO )

The older INO does not make IMU green on Agio (even if BNO does work, and you can see tilt/roll moving on screen when moving BNO by hand. (I see your roll on screen say 0 so I dont think BNO is working, as it is unlikely that BNO is exact level at startup)

I used teensy ino from .34 version, and same version of agopengps.
i asume its properly loaded becouse i have fix thru teensy.

Ordered today one nano, to try only flash it with bno config to test.
I do not know anywhere else to look for problem.

Maybe there is a solder spot like on the sparkfun?

As you see here Teensy ino still look for ONLY 0x4A and 0x4B

// BNO08x address variables to check where it is
const uint8_t bno08xAddresses[] = { 0x4A, 0x4B };
const int16_t nrBNO08xAdresses = sizeof(bno08xAddresses) / sizeof(bno08xAddresses[0]);
uint8_t bno08xAddress;
BNO080 bno08x;

Here it is, i have two of them

Hmmm now i see ps0 are soldered,maybe mod is a problem

on the AGO nationality group I saw a topic about bno080 which was connected to Panda basic diagram after turning on Teensy at the start the reading from BNO was and after a while it stopped, the problem was absence of resistors for pull-up i2c ( sry for me eng )

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But it look like there are resistors on sda scl at the china board above.
Which Adafruit BNO also have (I think also mentioned in same thread as you refer to)
I do not have extra resistore on the Adafruit teensy system on my photo above

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Eureka ! :grin::grin:

Wrong mode was the problem.Unsoldered one pin.
It works , thanks for help :beer::beer:


For me problem never ends :rofl:

Strange map shaking , anyone had this problem?

When i start program, nothing shakes, but when i load any map it starts

if you move to 1-2km/h ?

Same thing

Delete that field and make a new field

Maybe you made the field when in simulator and the zero point is too far away

Watch your roll , why is it not stable when standing still ( no speed)? Are you shaking your imu?

Yes i shaked it on purpouse.

So the line must move , because it try try adjust for the roll you give it :slight_smile:

No , it cannot move, its not the line only, whole map i shaking.

Made this today to test, stalley works somehow, but pure pi 10cm left 10cm right

Tried everything, speed up motor,speed down , was is set good.

What f9p file have you loaded and saved??

The one at version .34 teensy ino and f9p config.

Changed agopengps to newest, it stoped shaking.
But i only can get fix from one base, others 2-3 in other villages i cant, always stays gps single but kb data runs and says its connected.

On other tractor i have some other f9p config without panda ,it catches fixes from all bases.

Some how i hoped panda will solve tilting problem ,but it stays.

When driving i tilt tractor and wheels moves left and right.

The fix difference has nothing to do with panda.
It only depends on the f9p settings.

You could check what constellations the 1.32 setup use.
I still use 1.13 setup , but probably changed the baud to 460800
Edit the teensy ino has f9p setup suggestions at the beginning.
See also All in One PCB - #372 by TeddyStamford

Has anyone done firmware downgrade on f9p?

is it simple flash 113 firmware like i did upgrade or there is some other metod?