Autosteer Single GPS+IMU+Panda

Anyone uses Panda with AGOPENGPS 5.7

I don’t geht any data from my Adafruit BNO08x.
which Teensy and F9p Config should i use i think i’m having a Config problem, first i get data from the BNO08x and not from the F9P now i get only data from the F9P
which baudrate, Firmware Version and Config the F9P must have?

Hello, i have a question, is it possible to teeensy filters gps messages?
I cant get fix from this station, on other tractor i do not have teensy and i can get fix

Can i put all messeges from station in teensyino to get a fix?

I have a panda alike system. Just uploaded the Autosteer_gps_teensy_v571.ino to teensy.
After that you must remember to click SEND Subnet in AOG
Until that mine looked like you describe!

Yeah thats right i’ve did the same

Does it work now?
I use old 1.13 but changed to 460800 on uart1

No, right now it doesn’t work
Do yours work yet?

I will change the firmware to 1.13 and the config from Vili and Ublox

so i give a update in the evening

Yes works fine

I set 460800 on uart1 in U-center
Another way (before uploading to teensy) is to set baudGPS speed instead to 115200 here:
it might get the gpsdata to teensy that way (teensy start blinking orange)
const int32_t baudAOG = 115200;
const int32_t baudGPS = 460800;
const int32_t baudRTK = 9600;

In Ino it say 460800 on uart2, but I believe that is specific for DUAL

I have xbee bluetooth on uart2 so I set that to 9600 on one of my sets(ardusimple RTK2B. The ublox-C099 has its own bluetooth so have 115200 on the uart2

I use bluetooth for ntrip in from phone

under Ntrip Settings - position - udp green?

Yes its also green

Hi all,

I installed a panda board last week. And was testing it a few days ago. But I noticed on the screen it seemed like the tractor was driving sideways.
The pcb is put on there straight. And we where on a hill. I tried inversing roll. And I Zerod the roll on a flat piece of ground.
Roll filter was set to 0

Does anyone know what this could cause?

Try driving forward slowly and tapping the tractor in the middle of the screen to set direction.

Also check to make sure VTG is enabled on your GPS.

I did tap the tractor when going forward. It was not always doing the sideways thing. Only on a hill it seemed to do that.

If I panda gives me coordinates does that not mean that VTG is on for the gps?
I used a config file from the forum. specific for panda

GGA drives the Panda cycle, so it will spit out panda missing info if VTG is not present.

Is your roll active and changing numbers when this happens? Is you gps hz still 10hz?

Roll is active and changes when driving around. However it didn’t seem consistent. I had the feeling it was taking the wrong axis.
I used the next image to place the box. So I placed it that the cables are comming out at the back of the tractor.

I don’t remember checking if the output of panda is 10hz. But the output of the gps is.

I currently don’t have access to the tractor. Its for a friend and he cannot miss his tractor at the moment.

In my experience, roll is when Y is facing forward. I thought there was a flag to swap pitch with roll. Maybe in the ino?

I wonder if the inactive line is activated as “true”?

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Your posted orientation should be fine !

Thanks all,
When I have the tractor back I will try your suggestions.

Does anyone have a picture of a completed PANDA board? I’m a little lost on the schematic

This should help