BNO085 or BNO080 IMU

I haven’t done anything further with it, unfortunately. But I think it’s far better to use i2c to communicate with it, rather than continually parsing a high-speed serial stream. I2c is much more flexible, can set the update rate you want, and can poll for information, rather than having it continuously stream. You can use “RVC” mode over I2C, which gives you a quaternion of the yaw, pitch, and roll which can be convered to simple angles. Also you can enable acceleromter messages as well.

I believe I last used the Sparkfun BNO08x library.

In the short term I will be using one of the dual receiver SkyTraq boards for my spring planting. I still hope to explore using the imu and a single receiver if I can ever find time.

time… yes… :joy:

In fact, RVC over UART seems easy; just connect a USB serial cable and it sends data:

Nothing is needed, no Arduino or Teensy. Just sending data to AgIO:

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Oh good point. Yes for standalone operation with AgIO, RVC mode might be ideal. Would require AOG to know how to parse the packets, of course. I believe I saw the format documented somewhere.

I was looking at the IMU more from the perspective of doing the IMU/GPS fusion on a micocontroller, and passing corrected, fused NMEA position information to AOG or to any other system. That would still be my goal.

it should be as simple as that:

pluging Ardusimple to USB => GPS is received

pluging another Ardusimple to USB => heading from dual is added

pluging BNO085-RVC to USB alternatively => heading is received

plugging Central Unit to USB => autosteer is available

Is what you expect for more than 20 years when plugging your mouse to the PC. hope I have a prototype running this week…


Pretty cool. Are you working on AgIO to do this?


I set up a new post for that. Thank you for the great idea about RVC, although that mode has no absolute heading (likely no magnetic heading fusion due to that special usecase) :+1:


Can someone summarize What is the Best joice?
CMPS14/BNO080/BNO085 thanks?

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Seems like at the moment the best choice is the one you can actually buy of those three choices. Availability is not good right now.


I made a prototype with the Arduino Nano connect emulating RVC mode.

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Hi all - so, total newbie here :wave:

I see that a lot of you have found the BNO08Xs to be sold out or being very expensive. My question is then; what is an alternative?
I want to make something like this (not my code) and don’t know much about the hardware :slight_smile:

Hope someone can help,
Thank you

Update: After some more research; seems like the answer is no and patience (or a lot of money).

The teejet (1 unit) and trimble (2 units) systems use SSS gyroscopes.

If anyone wants I can add a photo of the two modules.

The trimble gyroscopes require writing your own code to filter its raw data. They also are the cause of trimbles signature starting wiggle.

The beauty of the new imu’s is they are an integrated gyro+accelerometer+magnetomer.
Plus they crunch the data themselves and spit out just the direction data.

If the current world situation would resolve we would be swimming in the new IMUs.

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For those people, who wants to know whats inside Trimble autosense

Viewing a thread - Inside a Trimble AutoSense (Pics) (

Its amazing they still use the same looking sensor from the 2002, ez steer 150. 20 years goes by so fast.

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Everyone knows that it is difficult to acquire IMU units.
Is this model good and can it be used?

Should work. I believe only 3.3v, GND, SDA, and SCL are required to connect the I2C bus to the Teensy.

Yes. It’s a Sparkfun model (PCB it’s OPen Source)

Ardusimple has BNO085, contact They sell for 150€/unit.
For those who intrested!

Crazy, they were £17 last year.

ordered last week here and arrived today