BNO085 - preorder

Ahhh, that might explain it.

I’ve just found 10 with the Chinese supplier I recommended earlier:

$118 (US) per unit

Does anyone want any?

VR devices and cleaning robots

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How about doing our own?


Hadn’t even considered these and I’m looking at an Oculus right now… Fair point, the demand must be massive.

@Ray_Jorgensen: I know that the chips are fairly readily available, in fact I bought some by mistake! I did wonder about building boards with them, but thought the components are absolutely tiny and probably beyond my soldering skills.

However, that circuit does actually look fairly straight forward. Might have a crack at it.

My thought would be to have JLC or other PCB firm solder them up for us. Why isn’t Adafruit doing this? Should we contact Adafruit with a bulk order?

If they would solder the boards, then I would take a few units. You’re right though, why is nobody else doing this?

There seem to be plenty of people here waiting for delivery, is anyone else interested in this bulk order?

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I’d head this up but I’d need someone who knows the parts needed. I am by no means a component person. I’d take 2.

I’d take 2 if they are reasonably priced

I can’t seem to find a parts list, but most of the components are identifiable from the photo below. I’d bet that someone here could probably identify everything else at a glance.

The big question is one you raised earlier; if there are thousands of people waiting on delivery of these boards, then why on earth aren’t adafruit just making them?

Might be worth an email to ask…?

Chip it’s very very small :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

First make a list with all buyers

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Yeah, I actually bought some chips by mistake, thought I was getting boards. I remember opening the pack and putting one on the tip of my finger, just wondering…

But if we have the CAD file, the components list and enough orders, then I bet we could get them made for a reasonable price.

Or is there some really glaringly obvious reason why adafruit aren’t doing exactly this?

118$ + shipping and 0 warranty better to buy second F9P kit.


I have had a few units from the guy and they have all been good.

However, now you say it, after import duties, P&P, etc it really isn’t much less than the F9P board.

Who would have thought it, they were £15 last year.

I would guess that dual antenna system doesnt suffer from GPS/IMU timing like IMU systems, when you add teensy 4.x 40$ - 100$ with that IMU its certainly better to go dual.

Is dual antenna roll as good as a panda system?

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PANDA does not improve roll, its only good as IMU that measure roll is. PANDA sync GPS and IMU so you get correct roll measurement with correct GPS position.

Dual is good even better in slow speed >0.5km/h. Did someone compere IMU/dual roll?

If we say that this chip shortage will go away and BNO will return to ~20€ then best solution is to make dual system that can be split to 2 IMU systems when price falls.

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Make no sense, because Adafruit not even can’t fullfill mouser’s order.

Even if they don’t go back down in price, dual is better in most ways.

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How far apart do the antennas need to be? Cab width is enough or do you need to create a wider bracket to get the most out of them?