
Anyone else having problems sourcing these? After two weeks of waiting, I’ve just had my order cancelled for six of these with Banggood.

Is everyone else using the adafruit ones? They seem available, are they any good?

The Adafruit BNO085 works perfectly well, as does the Sparkfun BNO080.

However, both of those seems to be in short supply for the time being. Back order items at digikey, mouser etc.


i use this “chinese” one it works no problem for me

but i find that recently the cost increase a lot

before we can get it for 20€ but now the price increase to 50€ and the stock disappears

I had ordered 8 from Ali, and just got them. Ordered around two months ago. Enough to complete the last boards, and play with multi mems configuration.

This is the best pricing I could find not too much higher than when I ordered.

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Are those with a genuine BNO chip or a clone? Just got 5 BNO080 from a German webshop for 30 something eur per piece. There’s a new version BNO086 out already from Ceva but cant find a breakout board anywhere

Ha, I was literally just adding some of those to my basket.

Good price, the prices for these vary wildly from about £17 to over £90 and they look identical.

“Are those with a genuine BNO chip or a clone?“

Almost certainly a clone, but they seem to work pretty well.

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Pretty sure the chip is genuine, just bare bones, no support info, no branding.

The chips are $8 if you buy tons. So they make a few bucks by making a breakout board for them.

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be carefull
Some cheap board looks like this kind of purple look
but in reality it is BNO55…

These ones look good, they also lack the extra comms chip that has been causing people issues on the adafruit boards.

But I saw reference to an bno086 nabbing these pictures. Upgrades never ending……

Good point.

I’m going to order a couple of the 086 units, see how they perform. Will post findings here.

After quick reading, 055, 080, 085, 086 are all the same hardware.

055 to 080 major firmware revision
080 to 085 mostly fixes spi comms issue
085 to 086 minor firmware revision.

So when 3 get talking on spi for multimems China version will be revealed.

If aog can detect sensor type during setup, why does it not show up onscreen somewhere. Or at least readin the .txt file?

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And that was a complete waste of time.

Tried ordering from Banggood, placed an order for 5, seller apparently had hundreds in stock, waited 3 days and then my order was cancelled.

Tried AliExpress, exactly the same story.

Checked again and these have doubled / tripled in price.

Anyone here using the adafruit version? If so, are they any good? I assume it’s just a case of connecting VIN, GND, SCL and SDA to IC1 on the PCB?

I hate that about Chinese sellers. None of them ever want to admit they don’t have any in stock.

I use Adafruit which I linked to before in this thread, I think it is ok but have not tried anything else, roll is quite precise as it is easy to test, rotation is not easy to see if it comes from gps or bno085 think it works ok

I’ve had both Adafruit BNO085 and Sparkfun BNO080, no difference in performance that I’d have noticed. It’s the same chip regardless of the vendor anyhow, you can even use the libraries across.


Hello, I have installed a BNO 08x but due to the space in the box I cannot put the X axis in the forward direction of the tractor, I have put the Y axis in the forward direction, is there any way to select the Y axis as the axis of advance ?, I think I have read some time that it can be done but I can not find the post now and I do not know how to do it, can someone give me a hand?

Do you have a picture of the installation location?

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I have placed the box vertically with the long side parallel to the axis of the wheels