CanBus for Beginners - Super Simple

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Thanks,that makes sense.:+1:

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I’ve no steering error code on the tractor now,somehow no GPS.
Can someone point me to an idiots guide to sorting this.

If you use Panda, you must have the same speed on teensy and uart 1 on F9P, preferably a picture of your setup and how the different parts are programmed

I’ve been told to use U-centre and config the files but I’m struggling how to do it.

F9P firmware update and config files firmware UBX_F9_100_HPG132.df73486d99374142f3aabf79b7178f48 and config files 1.32 SingleAntennaRover this files are in support files

hi all ,just read the whole thread :exploding_head: :exploding_head:
have agopn set up on a non steer ready tractor (mf7480)
just wondering how involved it would be to get CAN info from the lift/lower switch and the electric spool valves to work the coverage in agopen

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Probably (in fact, not probably at all) THE best thread there has ever been on this forum.

Informative, developmental, inspiring and exciting to be involved with.

AGCO stuff seems to be fairly accessible so IF the messages have been found then probably fairly easy. Unfortunately I’ve only worked with Fendt so not much help!

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Just out of my pay grade unfortunatly🤦‍♂️unless it was reasonably farmer friendly

I cant argue with that tho👍

Why not using the analog output of the ISO 11786 signal port?
Works fine for me by now.


Sorry i dont have that small iso port

to find the messages you can use this I think(I never used it):
Press the button 3 times and you have his adress.
I should work to see moving scv?

it’s @buched? I saw this on telegram.

I followed the link did as instructed but for some reason it still doesn’t work.

Should the baud rates all be the same?

That scanner code can’t be ran on the Teensy at the same time as AOG - it’s one or the other. Just use the Arduino IDE while you have the scan sketch loaded and monitor through that.

Yes,it was the only place I could see a baud rate.

please take a picture of your setup

had the john deere mechanic here today and immediately asked about canbus. he didn’t really want to tell much about it because I don’t think he knew it all himself. but he said that there were probably 4 canbus systems in it.

  1. vehicle - CANBUS. - LOW 2.38v HIGH 2.38v
  2. implement - CANBUS - LOW 2.52v HIGH 2.52v
  3. gps - CANBUS
  4. armrest operation - LINBUS - 8v and used 1 wire for communication.

maybe you can do something with this information

From what I can tell the GPS system uses the implement bus. In fact even though there are two CAN bus pairs in the harness from the pillar to the monitor, only one of those is required to make the monitor, GPS, and autosteer function. And if you have the isobus terminator on the back of the tractor fail, GPS and steering fail as well.

Also the monitor displays tractor information like fuel flow and ground speed (from the transmission or radar system), so somewhere in the cab a ECU is picking up tractor information from the vehicle bus and dumping it on the implement bus.

The SSU must be on both the implement and vehicle buses somehow. It refuses to engage steering if the transmission shifts into neutral, etc. Some day I’d like to spend some time figuring out the messages to the SSU. Would be wonderful to plug in AOG and have it drive a Deere via CAN.

On my 7920 I know the armrest (ACU) communicates with the rest of the tractor over CAN as well. Not sure which bus this would be. Not the implement bus.