CanBus for Beginners - Super Simple

What price was the 157B4943?

Found itimage

Number 5 listed as pre control unit PVED CC4 S7image

About ÂŁ850 from a Fendt dealer.

It is yes . I didn’t notice sorry, the 820 valve doesn’t have a spec listed.

I have an AGO to do in a fendt 900 and would like to read the factory WAS and use it in an AGO. The fendt steering sensors are 4-20mA so they are difficult to read directly.

Is the 900 steer ready? Or have ISO-BUS? Then we have the CAN option or there are some just using a 10k resistor between WAS signal and the Analog channel then it won’t effect the factory 4-20mA.

The tractor has no control valves. The use of a resistor would be the simplest, we have already discussed this topic before and opinions were divided.

Ah I see the problem, do you have ISO-BUS on the tractor?

There is an isobus connector

No promises put try connect a CAN shield setup to the ISO-BUS, turn ISO-BUS on in the Fendt screen and see if there is a ID = ??AC??? if there is that will be the WAS

Thanks, I will.

How old is the 900? Earlier Fendt’s and some that are not steer ready just have a 2 stage wheel sensor. 15 degrees for auto diff lock shutoff and 25 degrees for auto 4wd shut off. Roughly those values anyway. If it’s one of these, there will be no analog output at all from it.

Even some newer ones with steer still have both types in one sensor. As in the 820 in my workshop for example.

It’s 927. I have to check which year it is.

The wiring diagram will be at the back of the owners manual if it’s not too new.

I’ve got wiring diagrams for most up to the com3 ones. It will tell you what the sensor is.

This is COM3. I have repair manuals for this model and according to the schematics it is analog 4-20 mA

MIne was a com3 but it was steer ready. Are you sure it isn’t? Does it have the small joystick or the large one?

Just looked and it is an analog sensor 4-20ma (B067) whichever it is but it says calibration is only possible on a steer ready tractor.Worth a look in ISO-BUS anyway.

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There are no solenoids for sure, and no encoder on the steering shaft.

The valve, if there is one is on the right hand side, low down on the chassis, behind the back wheel, under a cover of its own.

Yes exactly! I have photos in the service manual of what it looks like.