Cant get RTK to connect

If it’s saying “no ip located” that would indicate a failure to lookup DNS. Disable ipv6 to rule that out, and also open a command prompt and type “ping -t” and see what it comes back with

I had this problem today. It was working fine 2 days ago with no changes . What I found was my normal mount point is mysteriously missing. I solved the issue by connecting to the next nearest mounts (which in my case I have 2 roughly 65km away). Was able to get rtk fix from both of them albeit a bit slower than normal. Perhaps an issue with individual stations but I think your issue is Auscors related. In AgIO it would appear to connect and listen, but aside from an initial burst or two would not show the regular data pattern. Click on Source Table. It will show the nearest. It may be that yours is missing as well

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Ok thankyou I will try it

I have a problem gps signal is Ok but rtk i have not can you help me


Antene is usb

Check your user name and password. If thats all good you can try and change https from 1.1 to 1.0 in the ntrip settings under advanced tab

Ok probobli is good?

show your NTRIP connection screen.

I have rtk fix - is Ok thank you