Cloud Solution for AgOpenGPS - Seeking Feedback and Ideas

Hello Everyone,

I’m a backend developer with a keen interest in precision agriculture, IoT, and cloud technologies. I’m considering starting a side project to develop a cloud solution for AgOpenGPS, primarily to learn more about these technologies and product development. I also want to create something that can actually be used and provide value to others in this community.

Here are some initial features I’ve thought of:

  • Field Management: Users will be able to manage their fields from a web browser, and AgOpenGPS will be able to access this data.
  • Configuration Management: Users will be able to save and load their configurations to the cloud.
  • Concurrent Operations: Ability to display real-time paths from other machines or stations.

However, I’m very interested in hearing from you! What features do you think would be most valuable? Are there specific functionalities you’re looking for in a cloud integration? Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas right here.

One consideration is the cost associated with cloud infrastructure. I’m thinking about ways to distribute these costs among users who opt in.

What do you think about this proposal? Looking forward to your feedback!


All sound like good ideas, and even a low cost subscription would soon make up the hosting costs I’d think. Support of these back ends tho, where would that come from?

Or are you planning self-hosting solutions, like a docker image perhaps ?

A lot of us have a pi sending RTK to the web… Neat to use that with a hard drive or something.

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I’m a web developer. Tell something new.

I think a management app/program to run on the office computer is a great idea.

All sound like good ideas, and even a low cost subscription would soon make up the hosting costs I’d think. Support of these back ends tho, where would that come from?
Or are you planning self-hosting solutions, like a docker image perhaps ?

I’ll initially use Azure Cloud. In the future, we might consider moving to more cloud-agnostic options to help reduce costs.

A lot of us have a pi sending RTK to the web… Neat to use that with a hard drive or something.

Could you share more about how you are utilizing this RTK data? I’m particularly interested in understanding your objectives for sending it to the web.

I’m glad to hear you like the idea! What would be the number one feature you’d like to have in it?

Sure! I’m sending NTRIP RTK to the internet, then I can connect my tablet to my base at home while at the field, and get RTK over the internet. Some info on ublox website here

Which means a lot of us would have our GPS tablets internet connection while at the field.

am i missing something here, cant i just have home and rover connected via a cloud based storage and share info between the 2?

A hard drive? RTK has to be up to date or it’s useless, where does a hard drive come in?

Well I was thinking it would be neat to use a HDD to store/sync fields/vehicles with my base station pi. Nothing to do with RTK other than running on the same pi.

I know FarmOS had a bit of AgOpenGPS integration going on as well, it offers some interesting features for farm management and supports modules and plugins. It is all a Drupal site that can be self hosted or they provide a cloud hosting service. Someday when I get a chance I want to get it going with grain bin monitoring and fan control.

FarmOS is great. I use it with Node-Red, and made a flow to work as a little job manager for AOG. It’s not perfect but works fine if used correct.

Job manager

I’m not sure I can settle on just one.

Field stats viewer
AB line editor (although the new AB line boundary ref system almost negates that)
Field boundary editor/creator (occasionally my boundary is changed, one edge is shifted)
Vehicle configuration viewer (visually pleasing list of logically grouped settings, exportable in human readable list)

Would be great to have Field Jobs registry online

Sounds like a great idea, but I think keeping it openly available to self host as well as just a cloud service would be great… I like to host everything myself wherever possible, Currently use FarmOS extensively for that reason.