CMPS14 Compass

Same thing.
I prefer bno085. Simple to use and easy installation.
I hope we will can choose. :wink:

ya, Jaap is just finishing up the ino’s which will support the cmps / BNO08x / Danfoss in udp and usb

Also the standalone imu with support for either CMPS or BNO


Super :+1::+1::+1:

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I can’t wait to have the independent imu in udp :+1:

Hello. will there be the possibility to install the cmps14 in the socket of the MMA and set it in game rotation vector?

I’m pretty sure it can, if not, we add

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The cmps will run in game rotation vector??

no, mag always on - but then it doesn’t drift like the bno in grv.

I’ve used it beside the seat now, the cmps, for quite a few hours, and it works really well.

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I knew robot shop told me it was only rotation vector but sometimes things develop.

I assume you are setting up the ino to always have calibration turned off. I’ve certainly got my BNO085 to do the dreaded drift in rotation vector , but I’m pretty sure I had calibration on at the time.

do you have a photo of the CMPS14 location ?

CQ PCB v1 is under develop ?

Which is the dimensions of the board ?

The connection between nano and AOG is only UDP ?

Yes, the board is more modwire than PCB lol. v2 is being worked on and will be released soon.
It’s a eurocard, 100mm x 165mm.
All USB connection, a fe1.1s hub IC is included and connects the 4G modem, GPS, arduino and an external USB port for further expansion

Just beside the seat 30 cm above the floor. Nowhere special at all. on a little piece of plywood connected to a nano connected to usb

Sorry no pic

I just got my cmps14 working with uno and machine serial to AOG. It seems the board needs to be orientated with ic chips up and wire connections forward. Is that correct? I understand changing some code, it could be mounted differently. How critical is orientation? Does it need to be set with gps heading? Thanks

Thanks Brian

maybe with the same hub that is already used for gps and autosteer
cmps wired up to nano

Yes,that’s how it’s

see my thread here for the schematic: Spot The Mistakes

It uses a USB B connector like on a printer, big and rugged :slight_smile:
By connecting the serial and reset pins to a CH340 you can talk to and even reprogram an arduino without going through its built in USB


Don’t hesitate reuse the .ino I’ve done for BNO.
If needed I can provide support to the team.



I use your ino, the sensor works but I can’t see the angle here, is it normal?ass