It will use the autosteer IMU if connected to it, else I planned to use a 10 cm lead if used in standalone GPS mode.
I could make it a little bigger at the top left and add holes and connections for the adafruit, CMPS.
To add CAN capability I will also add 2 or 3 rx,tx,GND,3V connectors. I suppose it is pins 22,23,0,1,30,31 on Teensy?
Is this CAN board or this one enough? Rx and Tx are not on same position on each board
Someone know a good board/chip? To order on Aliexpress? I prefer Digikey, Mouser or Robotshop
I’m not sure there is a need for the level shifter. When I remember me correctly the i2c Bus is driven by the teensy and not from slaves. I tried a setup with PCB V2, nano33 iot, bno055, mma8451 and ADC for WAS and it was working perfectly. If you check the bno pins there is a 3v3o pin, so there must be a voltage regulator
Thanks for all yours inputs!
So I have now 3 design I will order(only 2-5$ per design, most is for shipping)
I have only added minimal connection for CAN just to have capability for testing(prototype)
SDA/SCL lines goes directly to autosteer PCB, but pins for PCA6306 are there, just cut the lines on rear of PCB
I used the board to send PANDA to AGO and it worked, just took 3 hours before before I figured out my SimbleRTK2B wasn’t sending anything over UART1!
Now I want use the Teensy for GPS+autosteer over USB, I think I just have to replace Serial by SerialUSB1 for autosteer and I should have the 2 COM ports.
His concept works.
I used his schematics to rebuild a pcbv2 board to work with teensy 4.1 and the autosteer ino made for the new all in one board.
I cut the traces from ads1115 and added a level shifter to connect ads to teensy.
For the switches, just direct from pcbv2 lines/pins to teensy no resistors, as they connecs to gnd anyway.
For output to pwm and dir, I resoldered 330 ohm resistors to go to the right teensy pins.
(Other pins resoldered and 5 v moved to fit teensy as well)
The bno085 must run on 3.3v so it doesn’t need a level shifter when connected to the teensy.
Also some bird’s nest wiring and a Ethernet kit for the teensy. I bird’s nest wired the F9P as well.
But the hat board would do all that.
Just recheck the SDA SCL and the level shifter. So they are like the current all in one board.
I used it in a tractor all summer with ethernet, I will try to adapt the firmware for V5.7.2. Must change some pins in the Teensy.
I will try to post in the next days
Here I have a firmware that communicate over UDP for v5.7.2
connect anything on A0, A1, A6 and A7
pressure on A2
current on A3
I had an unstable WAS while testing it
IMU and ADS1115 are on the same WIRE.
check line 50 for GPS bautrate if it doesn’t work (51,8 Ko)