Enc28j60 ethernet nano shield


I spent hours trying to get udp working this morning different nanos inos aog versions routers and switches and finally found this video. This is a fix for Dk ectronics nano ethernet shield V1.0 (red pcb). Hand drilled like in the video and now everything works


Also the nano usb points in the opposite direction of the shield Ethernet port.

That had me stumped for 30min one night. :pleading_face:


I’ve had to do this on a few too.

Be glad it was only a few hours. I have spent a few days. When i saw this, it worked right away.

Thanks for posting this!

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Same issue, drill solution works perfect - Thx for posting this!

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Thank you for posting this! Struggled for a few hours… This solved it.

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Having issues with my 2 enc shields. I don’t get connection to AGO. They had the ground fault above. I fixed that it still doesn’t connect. The orange light blinks but the green stays solid. The metal housing around the Ethernet plug also gets quite warm within 20_30s. Any ideas for me.

Also always says Ethernet shield not found…

With serial prints I found it seems to hang here.

        if (ether.begin(sizeof Ethernet::buffer, mymac, CS_Pin) == 0)
            Serial.println(F("Failed to access Ethernet controller"));

Confirmed my shields are CS pin on 10. Change the define from 8 to 10 still no joy. Noticed the chip itself seemed to get a bit warm when cs was on 8. Could I have ruined both shields by trying them with the wrong CS pin?

Yeah I’m not too sure. Are you pluged in on usb to get the not found message

I am trying to get my system to UDP finally. The Panda box does work on my FZ-G1 tablet thanks to the wiki settings page, thanks for that! So gps and imu is ok.

For the steer box (with old pcb V2) I use the nano ethernet shield, but it does not react. Non of the leds on the ethernet connector are lighting up when connecting to my FZ-G1 tablet, which has the wiki settings for manual ethernet (which have to be correct because of gps working on udp)

When I connect the ethernet cable to my laptop which has non adjusted ethernet settings the leds start flashing right away… Anyone has any idea how to solve this?

(the nano ethernet shield is not dk ectronics (which can have ground problem), the pcb is red but layers look a bit different)

Picture of your cabling. What ethernet switch do you use. Did you watch the videos from Brian about ip config. Find them in YouTube at top of this page.

I did test both units seperately direct into the tablet because my switch had not arrived… when connecting swich to tablet and nano ethernet shield to switch it suddenly worked…

(from beginning ip config has been as shown in Brian’s video and wiki)

I did test the nano direct to tablet several times, nothing hapened. Now it once have been connected via swich it also does work direct to tablet. Well, ok, problem solved! Wil test things in tractor soon.