ESP All-in-one with WT32-Eth01 (pcb+sw)

I do not know yet. I’m trying to make it so it stays compatible. I only have to deal with String and byte array data separately.

Have you seen if the ads1115 provides the same amount of noise than the internal adc of the esp?

I have not tried. The oscilloscope will arrive soon and I will be smarter.

??? I don’t understand.

For having the same output from the serial console (internal reader, internal with kalman and the one from ads1115) what would an oscilloscope change?

That I can measure where the source of the noise is.

I guess I am not understanding you.

If you send a report as proof of noise (without any oscilloscope,just the serial monitor as recorder) and later that same test is not valid for you to measure with the actual device (ads1115) that the aog system usually measures this variable, that invalidates completely the point you were doing, because you showed something that is not what the system finds as data to process, so I guess is proof of not much -other than the kalman filter.

I have no ads1115. But I think it would measure the same.
The source of the noise can also be the WAS sensor.

Ok, now I understand.

The ads115 may be the wholly grial that you do not find. Let me explain, it could be the case that the internal reader in the esp is the one causing all those noises and the ads1115 smooths the signal properly.

I make the hypothesis based on the real life experience of many vehicles,they are driven perfectly by aog. And there are no wizards behind, the source code is there, ready to be read.

Now is too late for me, but I will try to test a few things next week with internal reader and external, just to verify that hypothesis.

Also I believe the AIO boards have a bit of filtering built in. I believe there is a low pass filter but don’t quote me on that

I maded tests with ads1115 and adc esp
Values from ads1115

Values from adc esp32

Thanks Gruni,
Well, I guess that points in the same direction, a noisy esp adc.

Have you done measures with adc1 or adc2? It seems that the latter has a flaw and it is affected by WiFi.

Also, before giving up on the internal reader, I would like to know if you have played with the adc fine-tuning functions,like: analogSetCycles(c), analogSetSamples(s), analogSetClockDiv(attenuation)…

Used adc1 without tuning

I think we should give up on the integrated ADC. Based on this information.
It does not complicate the circuit. And thus the Kalman filter is not needed.

Esp32 has 2 i2c for ads1115 and bno. Leds ws2812 for status. W5500 for ethernet. Mcp2562 can transiver

This is the testbed I built to evaluate the concept and it’s variants as today, once every thing seems ok would be time to adjust the PCB (in case either the ads1115 or the internal reader would be discarded)


Which ISO BUS directory do you want to use?
AgIsoStack-plus-plus ?

Isobus is currently out of scope for me.
I may use canbus just for reading some sensors/buttons from the vehicle.

ISO bus isn’t currently relevant to any AOG designs. There is a lot of interesting development happening but it is all a ways down the road and I don’t think the boards will have anything ISOBUS related anytime soon. But it is on the way

I saw the ISOBUS module on the test panel. That’s why I asked. I don’t think it’s important either.

Does this esp32 project actually replaces teensy?